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Hey there, everyone! A new milestone has been reached with the release of the third and final dev build before the Club Update is ready for early access.

For those newer to Patreon, dev builds are work-in-progress builds that I share with Senior & Graduate patrons so they can experience the new content before the final release is completed.

If you're a Senior or Graduate, or would like to become one, you can find the dev build post here:

Club Update v0.1.5.3 - Asher path & the first hookup

This build adds the final story path for this update, Asher & Skinema's storyline, joining the story paths for Alex, Isaiah, new main character Griffin, and a solo path.

The build also features the first of the three hookup scenarios that will be in the final release. Between the Asher path and this hookup, 47 new CGs have been added, including bonus CGs featuring a certain blond fan favorite character...

As I noted in the game status update a few weeks ago, what remains before the early access release are the other two hookups, as well as bug hunting and polishing it all up. For patrons, I'll have more details on how it's going in the mid-month game status update in a few days.

For Sophomore patrons and the tiers above, you can also look forward to this year's Pride Guy Gallery featuring all the members of the cast, coming in a few days! I'm so happy with the images I've already completed and can't wait to share them with you.

That's what I have for now! Thanks everyone for your ongoing patience - the end is finally in sight 🙂

- Danny
