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I'm fully immersed in creating the hot hookup scenes that'll be in the Club Update, and I can't wait any longer to share some of what you can get up to. So here's a very spoilery sneak peek at one of my favorite scenes to date.

Before that, I have a few last-minute character redesigns to share, as well as a first look at the Skinema performance that marks the middle of the club sequence.

I'll give fair warning before we get into full spoiler territory if you don't want to know what the hookup I'm previewing entails. With that said, let's get into it!


Two minor characters got a new look: a nameless Skinema groupie and drag queen emcee Brassiere Boudoir.

For the Skinema groupie, I just wasn't happy with the design at all. He now has a higher quality model and a different vibe to better fit what I imagined. Plus in my opinion he's hotter, too, in case I ever want to do something with that...

You can see the original design in Sneak Peek #20. I may also redo his fellow groupie because I'm not terribly happy with that design, either. We'll see...

As for Ms. Boudoir, this was a change done purely out of necessity. Basically, the original version was a male figure with female clothing and hair assets adapted to fit. But turns out the adaption caused weird deformations to those assets. Also, there are basically no makeup assets for male figures in the program I use, which was going to be a problem in the long run.

Enter the new version, who is a female figure with a look that still fits what I wanted. It's also far easier to masculinize her if I need her out of drag than it is vice versa. So farewell, old Brassiere, and welcome, new Brassiere! You can see the original design in Sneak Peek #18.

The Big Show

The Skinema show has been a source of concern for awhile. Originally I tried to find music I could set the scene to, which I wasn't able to do. I had to pivot to trying to get across the feel of a show using just images and text. Getting that to feel kinetic and interesting has been a challenge.

But I think I settled on something that'll still be fun despite the lack of music. Here are the CGs that open the show:

In the game, we begin by slowly zooming in on the first CG before snap-zooming out to get the energy going as the action begins. It continues on this way in what I think is a pretty cool sequence even if it's not what I originally envisioned. Plus the band looks hot, which is of course the most important thing!

Steamy CGs

SPOILER WARNING: These are two CGs from one of the hookup scenarios that can end the night at the club. If you want to go in blind, here's your warning to look away!

For those of you still with me, you may recall the flowchart from Game Update #31. As was noted in the comments, I did a very bad job hiding who the flowcharted scene involved 😉 And I expect there is some curiosity surrounding one guy who shouldn't be in the scene but apparently is: Matt.

If you haven't played the Club Update dev build, it introduces the final member of the main cast—Griffin, a bartender at the club. If you talk to him, you'll discover that he and Matt know each other intimately. And Griffin, being the bad boy he is, has no problem revealing some salacious details about what he and Matt get up to together.

Hanging out with Griffin can continue late into the night if you agree to go back to his apartment. Both of you know why you're going there—as Griffin puts it, he intends to corrupt you. If your Connor is up to losing his virginity to a near stranger, things turn very sexy, very fast.

And if you made certain choices earlier in the day, you can ask Griffin to tell you even more about the things Matt likes to do sexually. Admitting to thinking about someone else during a hookup could go poorly—but for his own reasons, Griffin is happy to talk about your hot mutual friend while you lay together, his hand slowly caressing your belly.

This choice unlocks a series of very hot CGs as Connor's vivid imagination conjures up images of what Griffin describes. Turns out our fav buff blond bff is very verse and very eager to please. One of the things Griffin reveals is how well Matt takes a dick...

In my humble opinion, the hookup with Griffin is incredibly hot, and it's just one of the three hookup scenarios that'll be in the finished Club Update. This is just a little taste of what you can look forward to... 😏




My Connor is saving himself for Matt.


I suspect your Connor isn't alone in that. I think it'll be worth the wait 🙂