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It's here. It's actually here! After many long months, the first dev build for the Club Update is finally ready to share.

You can download the build here:

PC: Google Drive 

Mac: Google Drive 

What's in this build?

This dev build contains the storylines for Alex and Griffin during the club hangout that can end Connor's second day at school. There are also 18 new CGs to unlock that feature Alex, Griffin, and Matt.

What's not in this build?

There are three other story paths that will be in the the full club sequence: An Asher storyline, an Isaiah storyline, and a solo path. These are coming in the next dev build.

There will also be several hookup possibilities, some of which you'll stumble upon by playing this current dev build. They'll be labeled as "Coming Soon" and will be included in the Club Update's final release.

How to access the content

After Will's class, you're given the option of who to spend the afternoon with. Alex's afternoon hangout and Asher's afternoon hangout lead to the club storylines for Alex and Griffin, respectively. You also have the option to switch between storylines at certain points.

There will soon be a solo entrance to the club that leads off from other characters like Matt, Riley, etc. If you have a save point at the end of one of their hangouts, you can pick up from there. Once you say you're going to the club, you'll be directed to the available story paths. 

There is actually some unique dialogue during the club sequence for the other guys you can hang out with in the afternoon, so if you're curious if someone like Matt, Riley, Owen, etc. has something unique, I recommend choosing to go the club from the end of their afternoon hangout.

Content to come

Beyond the other storylines and the hookup scenes, you'll find as you play that there are some placeholder backgrounds and that many of the sprites are static. Don't worry, the characters will be much more expressive once all the sprites are in! For now, I hope their dialogue and base sprites will help get the idea of their characters across 🙂

Possible issues

This are many maze-like paths through the game, which means it's entirely possible that my testing missed something. You may encounter something like:

  • Connor's image in the bottom corner may appear to have two images layered on top of each other or disappear entirely
  • Someone may become shirtless - or put clothes back on - when that shouldn't happen
  • A scene may link to another scene incorrectly
  • Someone may make reference to something that didn't happen or ignore something that did happen
  • Typos!

Please feel free to let me know either as a comment or DM if you find any errors like this. If it's something game-breaking, I will get a fix out ASAP.

Small spoiler for Alex's story: There is a point towards the end where it should lead into the opportunity to proposition Alex, but that option was overlooked. I'll fix this before the final release. For now, if you want to unlock any hookup-related CGs for Alex, be sure to play through his afternoon hangout and proposition him.

Thank you for your support!

I really appreciate how patient everyone has been! I hope you like the new stories and art. Even if the characters don't end up being your favorites, I think there is still a lot of fun and intriguing content to play through. 

I'm thrilled to have reached this milestone - and exhausted! But I'm going to go right into making the next dev build so I can get more content to you as soon as I can. 

Thank you for helping make this game a reality. I appreciate you all so much!

- Danny


Kaiden Cearley

I can't wait to get off work to play it! I'm so proud of you, Danny, for making it this far! Alrighty, Griffin here I come!

Jonathon Hill

OOH excited. Love this game and your work is awesome!


Hmmm. I loaded my previous Alex save, but I keep getting errors, and it looks like we can't actually do anything besides kiss? I accepted the kiss, but the error has to do with declining it. After Hannah leaves this happens and then Alex says he's going downstairs... [code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "game/scriptD2.rpy", line 103932, in script if alex_turned_down_kiss_d2: File "game/scriptD2.rpy", line 103932, in if alex_turned_down_kiss_d2: NameError: name 'alex_turned_down_kiss_d2' is not defined -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "game/scriptD2.rpy", line 103932, in script if alex_turned_down_kiss_d2: File "/private/var/folders/6f/s45jf_4s64v802jq4s_vf7y40000gn/T/AppTranslocation/27F5FCDD-EC87-4DC7-A439-E1D073200953/d/FreshmenPhysicalEducation.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/ast.py", line 1893, in execute if renpy.python.py_eval(condition): File "/private/var/folders/6f/s45jf_4s64v802jq4s_vf7y40000gn/T/AppTranslocation/27F5FCDD-EC87-4DC7-A439-E1D073200953/d/FreshmenPhysicalEducation.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/python.py", line 2266, in py_eval return py_eval_bytecode(code, globals, locals) File "/private/var/folders/6f/s45jf_4s64v802jq4s_vf7y40000gn/T/AppTranslocation/27F5FCDD-EC87-4DC7-A439-E1D073200953/d/FreshmenPhysicalEducation.app/Contents/Resources/autorun/renpy/python.py", line 2259, in py_eval_bytecode return eval(bytecode, globals, locals) File "game/scriptD2.rpy", line 103932, in if alex_turned_down_kiss_d2: NameError: name 'alex_turned_down_kiss_d2' is not defined Darwin-19.6.0-x86_64-i386-64bit Ren'Py Freshmen Physical Education Dev- Sun Feb 19 22:28:26 2023 [/code]


The furthest you can go in this build is a kiss, but the final version will have the full hookup scene. "What's not in this build" in the post lists what's still to be added. The "not defined" error typically means that when loading your save, the game couldn't backtrack to a point it needed to make sure all choice variables were registered. Based on the code line listed in the traceback, you're on the right path to get one more CG before you've basically exhausted Alex's available content. It's just that the code block for *not* kissing him is checked first, and since the game apparently couldn't find the variable for that, that's what popped up the error. The only way I know to fix this is to start a new game and then skip back to where you were. As someone who's had to skip through the whole game *a lot*, it really only takes a few minutes to fast-forward. It'll briefly stop so you can re-pick choices, as well as if I changed/added any dialogue that you haven't seen yet, but clicking through it will get it to fast-forward again. Please give fast-forwarding from the start a try when you get a chance, and if there's still an error there, please let me know!


I really enjoyed this peek into the club update. I was fully expecting to prefer Alex's storyline given he's been one of my favorites. But I have to say, I loved Griffin. He's such an intriguing character, something tells me he might cause quite a bit of drama depending on my choices down the line. 😅 Regardless, truly excited to get to know him better throughout the story. And of course meeting Jordi and Wes was fun too. Jordi definitely stole my heart though. Not only is he a short king, but he's easily excited like a puppy, love it. 🥰🥰 Can't wait to see him in the Bonus Gallery. Playing through multiple choices, I could definitely see the amount of work you put in for this update. There are so many different changes in the story both small and large depending on your choices, and that's just for Alex and Griffin. You've done a great job working on all of this alone. Despite it only being a dev build, its been well worth the wait. Definitely got me even more excited for the full Club Update. 😉


Ok! Yeah, I saw that the post mentioned being able to proposition Alex, but I thought that meant if you went into the Club solo there was an option to initiate a convo about hooking up because it also mentioned propositioning him in his room, and propositioning just means presenting the option, not actually following through. So, I thought there was an actual scene that was affected by something else. And, yeah, I wound up back tracking to before meeting Alex and fast forwarding, but that didn’t change anything. Thanks for the clarification though.


Thank you! And I'm glad Griffin has been intriguing. It took a little while to find his "voice," but I think I landed where I originally imagined.

John (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-29 21:58:02 Oh this was was a fun dev. I wasn't a fan of Griffin at first but now he's warming up to me. I'm also very curious how everything is going to tie in with Matt since all three directions (Matt's place, Club, Frat Party) all have very different energies as to how they perceive Matt. Alex isn't my type, but I will 100% say you're doing an incredible job writing his story. I especially loved his interaction with stalker fan and blue haired genuine fan, the comparison there was a really sweet touch. My faves though were Forte and Jordi though! I love Jordi's energy so much and I don't know why everyone is eye-rolling at him. he's just a lovable sweet himbo! I'm almost sad that he'll just be a grind'm hookup and now a full romance partner. But then I also said the same for Parker haha. And Forte; WOOF! This could be because I'm probably in a similar Generation as him but not only is he my type physically/sexually, but I also really enjoyed getting to know him too. He's maybe a little demanding here and there but you have to be when you're a manager (and in bed he can demand whatever he wants from me haha) I'll also give props to Antonio (The bodyguard? the name slips my mind). But that could be because I am a sucker for a strong silent type who could manhandle me haha Also HOW RUDE OF YOU to deny us the (Spoilers) peep show moment CG! and forcing us to go through the no sex branches is smart for seeing what you may have missed, but I still felt butthurt and punched the "coming soon" options a few times hoping they would let me anyway!
2023-03-02 04:48:29 Oh this was was a fun dev. I wasn't a fan of Griffin at first but now he's warming up to me. I'm also very curious how everything is going to tie in with Matt since all three directions (Matt's place, Club, Frat Party) all have very different energies as to how they perceive Matt. Alex isn't my type, but I will 100% say you're doing an incredible job writing his story. I especially loved his interaction with stalker fan and blue haired genuine fan, the comparison there was a really sweet touch. My faves though were Forte and Jordi though! I love Jordi's energy so much and I don't know why everyone is eye-rolling at him. he's just a lovable sweet himbo! I'm almost sad that he'll just be a grind'm hookup and now a full romance partner. But then I also said the same for Parker haha. And Forte; WOOF! This could be because I'm probably in a similar Generation as him but not only is he my type physically/sexually, but I also really enjoyed getting to know him too. He's maybe a little demanding here and there but you have to be when you're a manager (and in bed he can demand whatever he wants from me haha) I'll also give props to Antonio (The bodyguard? the name slips my mind). But that could be because I am a sucker for a strong silent type who could manhandle me haha Also HOW RUDE OF YOU to deny us the (Spoilers) peep show moment CG! and forcing us to go through the no sex branches is smart for seeing what you may have missed, but I still felt butthurt and punched the "coming soon" options a few times hoping they would let me anyway!

Oh this was was a fun dev. I wasn't a fan of Griffin at first but now he's warming up to me. I'm also very curious how everything is going to tie in with Matt since all three directions (Matt's place, Club, Frat Party) all have very different energies as to how they perceive Matt. Alex isn't my type, but I will 100% say you're doing an incredible job writing his story. I especially loved his interaction with stalker fan and blue haired genuine fan, the comparison there was a really sweet touch. My faves though were Forte and Jordi though! I love Jordi's energy so much and I don't know why everyone is eye-rolling at him. he's just a lovable sweet himbo! I'm almost sad that he'll just be a grind'm hookup and now a full romance partner. But then I also said the same for Parker haha. And Forte; WOOF! This could be because I'm probably in a similar Generation as him but not only is he my type physically/sexually, but I also really enjoyed getting to know him too. He's maybe a little demanding here and there but you have to be when you're a manager (and in bed he can demand whatever he wants from me haha) I'll also give props to Antonio (The bodyguard? the name slips my mind). But that could be because I am a sucker for a strong silent type who could manhandle me haha Also HOW RUDE OF YOU to deny us the (Spoilers) peep show moment CG! and forcing us to go through the no sex branches is smart for seeing what you may have missed, but I still felt butthurt and punched the "coming soon" options a few times hoping they would let me anyway!

John (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-29 21:58:02 Oh and I loved Griffin's gossip session; really gave us more character backstory to chew on for all the people at at the college (yes I want to see Riley's sex dungeon, and explore more with Will haha)(And I STILL insist on a romance path for Leo! everything you write about him makes me want it more! haha) Anyway apologies for the long comment, I'm just glad to be back and enjoying your amazing work! xx
2023-03-02 04:50:46 Oh and I loved Griffin's gossip session; really gave us more character backstory to chew on for all the people at at the college (yes I want to see Riley's sex dungeon, and explore more with Will haha)(And I STILL insist on a romance path for Leo! everything you write about him makes me want it more! haha) Anyway apologies for the long comment, I'm just glad to be back and enjoying your amazing work! xx

Oh and I loved Griffin's gossip session; really gave us more character backstory to chew on for all the people at at the college (yes I want to see Riley's sex dungeon, and explore more with Will haha)(And I STILL insist on a romance path for Leo! everything you write about him makes me want it more! haha) Anyway apologies for the long comment, I'm just glad to be back and enjoying your amazing work! xx

Aiden Woodstein

The way you map all this out is brilliant. Enjoyed getting to know Griffin more than I thought I would. Also, I share a favorite movie with him which was nice. But really loved the Alex update. He's one of my favorites and I was very here for that kiss. It was so good. The peak at the Alex route had some great humor as well. The crazy fan. Omg. The screeches I let out lol. Such fun and wild characters too. Loved meeting Wes and Jordi. Wes gives me a pastel goth vibe and I'm here for that. Relatable. Loved Jordi's look a lot. Also, I like how he and Wes mesh in a scene together. Opposites but it works. It entertains. I love Antonio. The whole team honestly. All your side characters are so well-developed. That moment with Hannah too. So good. So good.


Haha, I don't mind long comments. Reading everyone's thoughts is always a lot of fun. I will absolutely have more for the peep show moment - probably more than you'd expect. And Forte as well will be in an interesting CG... I'm glad you enjoyed the story even though your favs aren't involved at the moment! 🙂


Thank you! I'm glad you liked that crazy fan moment. I hadn't seen anyone comment on it yet, so knowing it worked for you is nice to read 🙂 And I'm also glad you're enjoying the side characters. Having such a big cast and making everyone unique/developed can be challenging, so it's good to know they're engaging!