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This month's poll has ended, and the free-for-all voting seems to have gone pretty well! The clear front-runner for one spot was Matt—I get the feeling a whole lot of you are a fan. Who knew? 😂

The choice for his partner was a much tighter race. It came down to Alex, Owen, Riley, and Will... with Riley ultimately winning out!

Although there was that foursome a few months ago, it's surprising I haven't done a gallery of just Matt and Riley yet—especially considering that depending on your choices, later in the game they may... well, that would enter spoiler territory 😏 I'm excited to see how cozy they get when Riley comes to deliver cookies while Matt is stoking the fire...

It's also pretty cool to see that all the guys have their fans. I rotate through the options for these galleries to try and get more than just the top favs a chance in the spotlight—I'll make sure your other favs get a chance for a full hookup gallery soon 🙂


Aiden Woodstein

I'm sorry "depending on your choices ... they may..."??? You tease us.