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Hey there, friends. I've got another sneak peek for you—a look at the new and improved main menu for the game.

I've been wanting to change the main menu for awhile, in particular because I've learned a lot about making images this past year. I thought the original menu background was a little too saturated and wasn't looking too hot in thumbnails/banners on various sites like here, Itch.io, and Twitter.

I started changing up the aesthetic of the game promos back in June beginning with the Pride Guy Gallery. When making the cover  image for the gallery, I swapped from the dark pink & blue color scheme to crisp white text over more colorful backgrounds. Patreon recently asked us to change up our user photos to better be displayed on their mobile app, and when I saw how good the logo looked in white over the image I made, I decided that was the look I wanted to go with moving forward.

I'd also been flirting with the idea of changing up the background with each new update to highlight the characters featured in that update, and what better time to do that than now? I think it'll make the new updates a little more fun by regularly changing up the color scheme and rotating which guys get the front-and-center spotlight.

So with that all said, today I'm sharing images of the new menu that will be going out with the public release of the frat party update as well as the menu that will be in the club update. The "Start" button has a different drop shadow, which is what will show when you hover over the buttons, like the orange glow on the current menu. I also put in a spot for Grind'm to have its place set for when I begin adding that feature to the game.

I also have the two new images without any of the menu text on them so you can get a better look. I think the guys look pretty good!

I hope you like the menu's fresh coat of paint 🙂




hmm i was thinking, what if the guys that appear on the menu were based off who you were romancing or had sex with?


There's something like that in the new version I just released, but not the main menu...