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The next release includes the frat party, and it wouldn't be much of a party if it was just a couple people hanging out. Today I have a first look at some of the notable new characters Connor can meet. 

These character designs, sprites, and bios may change before the final release, but currently this is what I'm happy with. I also have a few characters whose designs are still being refined. I'll note them below.

The Frat Boys

Let's begin with some of the other actors who live alongside Owen and Julian in their "frat house" apartment.

Hugh is the oldest member of the frat, but with his clean-cut and perpetually youthful appearance, no one would know it. He's well aware that he's destined to spend the next decade starring in teen TV dramas, but he's certain those roles will quickly springboard him onto the A-list where he belongs.

Uriel was relatively lowkey last year. This year, he returned from summer break in full vampire mode, living in the persona 24/7. He's the kind of guy to get intensely method when it comes to acting, but as far as anyone knows he wasn't cast in any vampire roles recently. Maybe he just is a vampire now...?

Parker is a little ball of friendly energy. He's not the tallest guy, the hottest guy, or even the most talented guy, but he's a definite showman with an undeniable charisma. He's a guy everyone wants to work with—he's game for anything no matter how small the part, and he even pitches in behind the scenes. 

Not pictured: Kash has the looks of a leading man but the sensibilities of a comedian. He's here to have a good time and make people laugh, both as a friend as well as on stage and screen.

The Ladies of 21CA

It may seem like 21CA is a school populated entirely by hot gay guys, but there are a lot of female students as well! Which is good news for guys like Dominic and Marco who have an appreciation for the feminine form.

Victoria is the director of the first major theater production the school is putting on. Her family is a big name in the entertainment industry. As such, going to school is really just a formality—she could land a Hollywood job tomorrow if she wanted to. But what she actually wants is to be the best, and that means learning from the best. With her rigid vision and ego-shattering bluntness, many folks at 21CA have strong opinions about her. Not the least of which is Riley, who wrote the play she's directing. A play which, in his opinion, she's completely mangling...

Euphoria is at 21CA for animation and shares some classes with Marco. She doesn't just love art, she lives and breathes it, including covering herself in tattoos she designed herself. She has a wry personality and isn't interested in anyone who can't keep up with her wit.

Brooke is basically the female version of Owen: an actor who believes in free love and spirituality. She has a dreamy, calming demeanor, and it's hard to resist luxuriating in her warm and sunny vibes.

Jasmine is a visual effects artist who intends to buck the idea of what a person who sits at a computer all day must be like. Bold and confident, Jasmine is here to bring fabulousness wherever she goes.

Not pictured: Cherish, who we already met in Connor's class with Will. She's not super interested in impressing anyone, and she definitely isn't interested in being picked up by anyone. But if you can bring good conversation to the table, she's more than happy to hang with you.

The Dorm Guys

In addition to the six guys we've already met in Dorm Wilde, there are five more freshmen wandering around that Connor hasn't run into yet. Three of those dorm guys are checking out the party as well.

Quinn is kind of a mess. He's a photographer who is only ever focused on exactly one thing at a time, usually his art. He's the kind of guy who rolls out of bed, picks up off the floor whatever clothes pass a smell test, and considers himself ready for the day. A little quiet and a little intense, he's a foil for the big personalities in the rest of the dorm.

Blaze hasn't decided on a major yet, but he isn't stressed about it. In fact, he isn't stressed about much at all—he's perpetually chilled out. Blaze is his real name, but based on his favorite hobbies, it could certainly serve as an on-the-nose nickname as well...

Not pictured: Xavier is studying film and is one of the biggest snobs Connor may ever meet. Xavier isn't impressed by much, especially not Quinn, who he shares a room with. He also currently isn't interested in hanging out with anyone else in the dorms, but maybe he'll loosen up as the weeks go by.

That's who we've got so far! I'll add that some of these new boys turned out so attractive to me that I am definitely gonna find an excuse to get them naked at some point. I mean, how could I not...? ;)



Fernando Ruiz

I love this many characters to make the party a party ☺️🙌🏻🙌🏻 I'm excited to see what happens


Okayyyyy I can't wait to see more of Blaze, he looks like such a sexy stoner. And the first on my guest list is Jasmine 100%!!!