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Hi, everyone! I hope June has been going well for you so far! It's mid-month, which means it's time for the game's latest status update.

There's not much exciting to report that I haven't already said, so I'll just get to the main point: I'm looking to have the next update out by the end of next week. This will get everyone at Sophomore and above an early access release for June.

Most of the writing and bigger art pieces for this update are completed. The majority of what's left is the actual act of coding the remaining scenes and then testing, testing, testing to make sure things are working as expected. 

I have a busy week ahead of me, but with how long it's been since the last release, I'm really looking forward to sharing more content with you very soon!

Knowing that I have all of you backing my project has kept me going through some tough weeks the past few months. Thank you so much for showing such faith in the potential of my little game :)




Thanks for the update, Danny. Let's hope that the last push goes as smooth as butter - I'm personally eager to see what's up :)