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Hello, everyone! June has arrived, which means it's time for a new game update.

May proved to be a month of big changes in my personal life, which led to not getting much done on the game despite my best efforts. Although it wasn't promised that I'd do a game release monthly, it's always been my goal. It's difficult not to feel down about missing my self-imposed deadlines.

With that said, things have calmed down considerably, and I can now devote a lot of time and attention to working on this game. I'm hoping to make June my most productive month yet, and I appreciate all of you for helping make that happen with your support.

Here's where things stand as of today:


With the distractions I faced last month, the writing I produced ended up not meeting my personal standards. I've decided to scrap a fair portion of what I wrote and will be doing some major revisions for the day 2 convos with Alex, Asher, and Isaiah.

I have many years experience with writing, so this isn't typical for me but is necessary on occasion. I outline extensively, which I consider to be my first draft. I then write the story out and only need to make minor edits. But sometimes the creative brain needs some time to rest. I think coming back to these parts of the day 2 script with fresh eyes will be well worth the effort.


The art has proven to be the easiest part of the game for me to make. Still not easy, of course, but easier. So the new sprites, sets, and gallery images are coming along nicely. I'm planning to do more sneak peek updates for Juniors & Seniors this month to give a better sense of how things are moving ahead!

For anyone worried that the Patreon-only galleries interfere with this part of the game, worry not! Turns out I love making 3D art of super hot guys and have no problem finding inspiration to make all these pieces for both the game and Patreon. Who could have figured that a gay man would like creating these visuals so much? ;)

Looking Ahead

I'm aiming for two early access releases this month: the mini update with the remaining day 2 afternoon convos, and then the evening with Matt & Leo. This should be totally doable, so although I'm not going to 100% promise anything (who knows what might unexpectedly come up!), I think this is something you can look forward to in June.

Also, just a Patreon note: I'm going to make a new pinned post with links to make it easier to find bonus content & posts. You'll get an email alert for it at some point since I don't think I can turn that off. If there's any specific content you can't find using that  post, shoot me a message and I'll be happy to help out.

Being a solo dev is a lot of work, but I find the experience incredibly rewarding and am happy to see how many people have been enjoying my work. Thank you as always for supporting me in this endeavor. I'm so glad to be sharing this process with all of you :)



Fernando Ruiz

I think the most important part is that you are doing well. Otherwise, inspiration would be blocked. I hope you are doing great and I'm definitely looking forward to the surprises you have for us. ☺️