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I hope everyone is having a good weekend! May is here, and with it comes the latest game update.

The first part of Day 2 has been released to Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors, marking the release of the most narratively substantial update yet. It took a whole lot of work to get the update done last month, but I think the work was well worth it.

To meet my self-imposed deadline, I moved a few conversations from release #4 to release #5, which I'll talk about below.


It's been awhile since I've shared a flowchart. The back half of Day 2 splits into three locations. The one included in the next release is Matt's apartment path, and here's how it shaped up:

I mentioned before that this is the easiest of the paths to outline, but even still, you can see a lot of variables going into it.

But before I write the evening hangout with Matt & Leo, I'm wrapping up writing the afternoon conversations with Alex, Asher, and Isaiah. Alex is actually the trickiest of the three to write. You may or may not have noticed a branching point when you meet him at the mixer, but that point determines how he acts around Connor. This affects their interactions in a significant way. Accounting for variables like this is definitely a big writing challenge, but the reactivity is worth it!


The convos with Alex, Asher, and Isiah will include not just new clothes for the boys and two CGs each, but a few new locations as well: Alex's dorm room and the club. Setting up locations can take a bit of time since I combine different environment assets to create someplace unique. The club in particular is gonna come up a lot, so I'm working to make it as cool as I can!

Once we get into Matt's apartment, you'll be able to unlock a ton of new CGs. Right now there are 36 CGs planned for this section alone, though that number may change. I'll leave it up to your imagination as to why this part of the day might require so many CGs; I'll just say I'm VERY excited to make them ;)

Looking Ahead

I mentioned in the last update that I may be able to fit releases #5 & #6 into May. Based on how much time it took to create release #4, the addition of the three convos that were originally intended for release #4, and a reduction in my free time, that won't be possible. I do plan to release something before the end of May even if it means I once again push forward parts of the game.

The loss of time is because on 9 May I'll be returning to the office for my day job. Up through now I've been  working from home, which afforded a lot of time to work on this game. I don't know how much this schedule change will affect the speed at which I can write, code, and create the art, but I will definitely be plugging away as much as I can. I'll keep you all posted!

That's it for now! As always, I appreciate your support so much! 




I'm always blown away by how much detail you've put into the VN and the branching paths. It really shows your dedication to creating a great story. It's also impressive to see how consistent you've been at keeping us up-to-date with where you're currently at and where you're going with the VN's development. You are definitely my favorite creator on Patreon! Also, I'm not sure if this is something you have planned to be disclosed exclusively in the story, but do the main guys have ages, surnames or birthdays yet?


Thank you! It always sucks when a creator of a project you like seems to disappear, so I want to make sure that doesn't happen with my game.


Thank you a lot for your hard work and for the updates! And... good luck with the return to normal office life. Hope that won't distract you too much.