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Hey, everyone! It's time for March's second game status update.

Today's cover image is the new main menu background for the Morning After Update. I'm returning to the tradition of highlighting a few of the guys with more prominent roles in the update. This image may change in the full release, but it's the general direction I'm heading in this go round.

The main menu isn't the only art piece I created—the past few weeks has been very art heavy as I created and updated CGs for the next dev build. Here's some of what's been made:

If you played the first dev build for the Morning After Update, you're probably sensing a theme for what you may see when Connor wakes up. Naturally, if you slept in your own bed in your dorm room, you're likely to open your eyes to see Marco. Here, he's getting a good stretch in, but there are multiple ways you can catch sight of him depending on where you left off in the story.

With some of the character models being completely changed, I've been going through and re-rendering any image where the differences between the new sprites and the CGs are super apparent. The most prominent change in this image is Noir's silhouette, but several other characters were tweaked, including their clothes.

Here's another band shot that was changed to swap in the new Noir and NC17 models. I also took the opportunity to adjust Asher's pose to show off his chest.

This image is a good example of what I am trying to avoid by hewing close to the original character designs while making improvements to each model, as I talked about in past posts. Mafia's body has changed, but it wouldn't be noticeable in this particular image, so I didn't need to worry about re-rendering him.

Some sequences like the entire Mafia/NC17/Connor hookup were re-rendered, but I'm currently choosing to keep other CGs as-is to save myself time. For instance, Marco has a new body, but I'm not going to redo all his CGs yet since the difference isn't super distracting. I'd rather spend time making all the new CGs for the full Morning After Update and then drip feed other CG adjustments in future updates.

All the new CG creation has been influencing the writing in a great way. In particular, there's a sequence featuring Asher that not just increased its CG count, but inspired me to hit the keyboard and write what I think is a pretty great scene if you're following that storyline.

Everything is coming along steadily, but looking ahead, I wouldn't expect the next dev build this month. I'll work as much as I can to try and eke it out by the 31st, but most likely it'll be sometime in April.

That's what I've got today! The first half of March has been pretty quiet here on Patreon, but I have galleries and some other posts coming soon—keep an eye out!


The new main menu background, though it may change before the final release of the Morning After Update.
The past few weeks saw me creating a ton of art, like this new Marco CG you can see if you slept in your dorm room.
Replacing the models for Noir & NC17 means I've had to adjust CGs where the change is noticeable, like in this early scene.
Many club CGs needed changed too, though I don't bother to re-render if a model change isn't noticeable, like Mafia in this composite image.



Looks great from what I see here.


Also, really nice touch on the menu screen pictures. The way Griffin is touching Matt's chest shows the history between them with Griffin possibly feeling something for Matt after their hook-ups. Same for the others. Will seems focused on Connor, ready to give him what he's wanted, but Marco is trying to get his attention, possibly wanting another round with the hot professor.


Matt & Griffin were definitely posed to show that connection. Marco was mostly to have some symmetry... buuuut Marco being Marco, he's probably considering following Connor's lead and seeing if Will wants to do some one-on-one counseling. I chose these guys since they represent where you can wake up (Griffin's apartment, Matt's apartment, your dorm room), with Will taking what would have been the frat house slot since I've had that "follow up with Will" end screen message forever at this point, and it's finally gonna happen!