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The handsome young bodybuilder and I made our way into the auditorium where the actual competition was taking place. Jason seemed to enjoy watching me awkwardly carry my extremely heavy pecs and ball gut around, and couldn’t resist giving some part of my body an occasional pat or poke.  He noted that others were staring at my unbelievable size and shape as we would walk by, which was a big turn-on to me.

The two of us entered the main room, and began to walk down the side aisle towards our seats. I was studying the row numbers painted on the floor as we very slowly went down the slightly sloped aisle. Jason started patting my massive back.

“Uh dude, I got some news for you,” he stated.

This made me stop. Looking over at him, I asked “Yeah, what’s that?”

He continued to pat my broad back with his right hand then gestured towards the rows of seats with his left. “Check ‘em out, dude,” he noted, then put his left hand on my huge muscle gut. There’s no way you’re gonna fit in those seats, buddy; you’re way too huge!”

Jason grinned as he continued to pat my blown up body.

After studying the situation for just a few seconds, I realized the young stud was correct. Smiling, I looked down at my massive body then back at Jason. “Yeah, I guess I’ve got too much muscle even for a bodybuilding competition. I don’t think they had me in mind when these seats were designed.”

“Uh, yeah, no one anticipated a real live hulk to be in the audience.”

I grinned wider. “Maybe we can just stand off to the side and watch from here,” I suggested. We both stepped back so that I was now leaning back against the wall.

“HEY MUSCLE BLIMP, MOVE ALONG THERE!” a voice came from up the ramp. We turned to see an older,  thickly muscular man wearing a yellow shirt that said “SECURITY” in big black letters across the front. His gray goatee and hair gave away his age as fifty-something, but he had obviously been lifting for his whole life. His shirt was stretched tight over his huge round biceps, thick pecs and big broad shoulders. He continued to walk down the aisle until he was standing next to us.

“HOLY SHIT DUDE, what happened to your gut?” he asked with a look of amazement in his eyes.

“Uh, just got a roid gut going,” I answered, “Uh, it’ll go down now that I'm off cycle.”

“We’re standing here cause he’s gotten so big he won’t fit in the seats!” Jason explained. The security man continued to stare at my body. “Yeah, maybe you should have thought of that as you were grossly overeating every meal.” He reached out and gave my ball gut a sharp poke. “You can’t stand here, this fucker’s sticks out so far it’s blocking the aisle. People can’t get past this thing.”

“So what am I supposed to do? I asked. “I’m covering the show for freakyhugebodybuilding.com so I gotta be here somewhere.”

He eyes me up and down. “Hmmm, there’s not too many places you're gonna fit big guy, but I gotta idea. We have a few chairs set up at the top row if any handicapped people show up. You can use them.” The muscle man smirked as he gave my protruding belly a sharp poke. “I guess having to carry around an eighty pound gut ball could be considered a handicap!”

He laughed at his joke and gestured toward the top rear portion of the auditorium. Jason and I walked back towards the indicated area. It wasn’t easy to maneuver my oversized body around the other big guys walking past but we made it to the special seating area.

There actually wasn’t anything too special about the ‘special’ seating area, just a few aluminum folding chairs and one more solid wooden chair loosely aligned in a row. With great relief, I selected the larger, thicker wooden chair and plopped down in it. Jason pulled up a metal chair and sat down next to me. “I’m looking forward to the show,” I stated. He patted the ball gut now resting in my lap. “I’m enjoying this amazing show right here.”

The two of us watched the different classes of bodybuilders compete with me occasionally taking notes of a few surprise winners and a couple of disappointing performances. The heavyweight class had just wrapped up their pose downs and were preparing for the call-outs when I felt a hand on my massive right shoulder.

I turned to see a young man, maybe around 20 years old, standing next to me. He was clean shaven, with deeply tanned skin and short brown hair styled upwards. Big biceps stretched out the sleeves on his tight T-shirt just as his quads were packed into his tight jeans.  It was immediately apparent as to why he wanted to show off his muscular thickness - he was incredibly short! I guessed he was only about 5’4” - not unusual actually as even some of the competitive bodybuilders were close to his height as it was easier for the shorter guys to get that needed muscle mass thickness. And most of the short guys wanted to do something to stand out compared to the taller guys and getting very muscular was a popular way to do it.

Hey, big guy, how’s it going,” he asked, “I can’t see the stage too good, you mind?” He appeared to gesture past my huge ballgut and towards a small space on the other side of my chair.

“Sure, no problem buddy,” I responded and made a minor effort to move back so he could get around me to the other side.

He stepped in front of me and then to my astonishment, began to climb up onto my giant solid ball gut as if he was scaling Mount Olympus! He quickly arrived at the top of my belly shelf, sat down and made himself comfortable. I was too stunned to speak but Jason burst out laughing.

“Holy shit Justin! You’re ball belly is so massive, he easily fits on top of it!... with room to spare!” Jason turns to the short young man. “Bet you got a great view from up there on Justin’s gut!’

“Oh yeah man,” he replies, “I’m the king of the world!”

Both Jason and the young man laughed at his reference to the famous scene in Titanic. I was embarrassed that my ball belly was sticking out so far that another person could actually fit on it. But also was really turned on with this muscular man sitting on top of my belly, feeling his weight press down onto my blown up gutball.

The competition finished with the super heavy weights, which was the highlight of the show. It was odd to think that these were the biggest, most muscular guys in the area if not the country and yet I outweighed them significantly. The three of us cheered for our favorites as they went through their poses. After all five had finished the MC called out the 3rd place finisher, the 2nd place, and then finally, the winner. A loud round of applause for all three ended the competition.

Soon as the last contestant left the stage, the short man slid down off my bellysphere. He patted the rounded out side of my gut. “Thanks buddy, that’s the most amazing roid gut I’ve ever seen! Didn’t know a roid gut could get this massive!,” he stated. “It looks like an overinflated beach ball, but it’s so fucking solid - more like you swallowed a giant boulder!” He gave it a loud slap on the rounded-out side. “Just incredible, thanks for letting me borrow it bro, wouldn’t have seen anything without you and your gutball!” The young man still had a look of amazement on his face as he walked away.

“That was unbelievable  man,” Jason said as he thumped the top of my gut. “Never seen a ball belly so gigantic that it could support a bodybuilder! You ready to roll, big guy? Need some help getting up?”

“Nah, I got it,” I replied, but then struggled a bit to get up with all the gut weight out front. It took a minute to get fully upright, but then Jason and I left the convention center. The young man had to intentionally slow down his normal gait or I was left behind. The incredible amount of mass I now had turned my walk into a slow waddle as we made our way down the sidewalk and towards the parking lot.

“It has been so incredible meeting you tonight Kevin,” Jason stated as I paused to catch my breath under a lamppost. “I sure hope we can get together again sometime.” He smiled wide. “I would love to see you workout!”

A thought entered my mind... “Hmmmm... you’d like to see me workout ehh?” I replied. “You’d like to see me get a huge pump, wouldn’t you?” Now a grin crossed my face.

Jason’s face lit up with excitement. “Ohmigod! Of course! That would be so awesome.”

“Welllll... I know of a gym not too far from here where I can workout and you can see me get quite a pump... something like you’ve never seen before.”

Jason’s eyes widened. “Oh yeah, let’s do it then!” He started to run one way then back another then back up to me.

“Take it easy,” I suggested with a big smile. “We gotta get there first. Can you drive? You have a big enough vehicle for me to fit in?”

Jason puts one hand on my massive bicep and another rubs the front of my protruding gut ball. “Oh yeah, I’ve got a Ford F-350 super cab. It’s huge!” He continues to pat and rub. “So you’ll just barely fit!” he said with a laugh.


To be continued



Love this so much! Y’all are doing a great job with these stories and illustrations!


Loving this story! It won’t be long before that belly will work as his personal table for beer! That’s how you know a guy is truly manly! 😃