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At sunrise, on this year’s opening day of the beach gym, a large figure could be seen, waddling into the shadow of the dawn. The large creature was stomping, its steps muffled by the sand, sinking into it. If the beach was a wooden floor, it would have crumbled under the elephantine weight of the behemoth.

The thing reached an 8-foot-wide stone bench constructed specially for it by the caring Oscar, capable of sustaining an unmeasurable weight, and yet, it creaked as the massive mound of muscle and fat sat on it. The mammoth creature had taken the biggest free weight available, one in each hand, and pumped them for hours, effortlessly, until the beach was populated by early visitors.

That grotesque figure was Xander. A year after promising Mark for the second time that he’d go easy on the pills, drugs, and growth hormones, he couldn’t keep his promise. He was larger than ever.

His head was sinking into his body, squeezed between his overinflated pecs, growing shoulders, and resting against his oversized trapezius. His arms were a gigantic series of round, juicy muscles, fighting for space. And his muscle gut was a sight to witness. It was the centerpiece of the titanic men, an immense sphere of god knows what, able to contain gainer shakes by the barrels. Every single one of his abs was larger than an overblown beer belly. He was a mountain of pure muscle. Literally.

He came to the beach before everybody because he didn’t want people to see that he could barely walk anymore. He lifted free weights mindlessly just so he didn’t just sit there in the gym, immobile. His arms were the only thing that could still move. Barely.

This year, Mark couldn’t recognize Xander from afar. He just thought that a pile of rocks was somehow placed in the middle of the beach gym, or some kind of inflatable mascot. Seeing him from behind, he couldn’t comprehend that this mountain of flesh was human… until he saw the front of the blimped up man.

M: “No. No. No. No. Oh my fucking god. You gotta be kidding me.”

Shocked, Mark walked around Xander’s gigantic body for several minutes, inspecting the mass monster from every angle. He couldn’t believe it.

X: “IMPRESSED?”, said Xander in a deep and booming voice, resonating through his incredibly round body.

M: “Sure, man. I’m impressed. Actually, I was looking forward to this moment. I knew you would go overboard with your chemically-fuelled muscle bloat, but I never thought you would go THAT far. Oh man, you’re a lost cause.”

M: “You still think I’m jealous? For a third year in a row? Nobody in the whole world would want to look like you, a bloated, ballooning whale. Damn, man, I still can’t believe it.”

Mark walked away while Xander was still gloating about his gain, as he was unable to turn his head to see that he was long gone. A few minutes later, Mark came back with his friend Kyle, who couldn’t stop laughing.

M: “...and he’s even bigger this year!”

K: “Woah! I had never seen an elephant so close before! Hahahaha!”

M: “Hahahaha!”
K: “Oh wait a minute… It’s not an elephant! They added a bouncy castle for the kids! I would love to have fun on it too, but I think it’s too small for the both of us. Maybe we should inflate it even more… Do you have an air compressor?”
Mark was doubled over because he was laughing to tears. Kyle was grimacing to the big Xander.


K: “Muscle? Hey Mark, do you think my belly will become huge and spherical like that if I start to do weight lifting?”

M: “Fuck no. That’s not muscle, that’s fat.”
He pushes the size of Xander’s abdomen: it bounced back like some kind of semi-solid water balloon.

K: “I bet the inside of his belly is bigger than my bedroom. Maybe we can rent it and throw a little party inside him!”


M: “Yeah, a 3 year long bulking season! That’s not progress, it’s called BEING LAZY!”


Without hesitating, Mark looked in the bag beside Xander, and wasn’t surprised at all to find drugs and muscle enhancers, revealing that he was right all along. He lended the bag to the mass monster, curious to see how pathetic the scene would get.

The big guy was furious and reached blindly for any item that would fall into his hand. He popped a pill container, and emptied the whole container in his mouth. He reached for another, and did the same thing. A third time. A fourth time. His cheeks were filled with several handfuls of pills.

Kyle found a garden hose lying around, and put it in the hand of the giant.

K: “Need some water with that, big guy?”

Unsurprisingly, Xander plugged the hose in his mouth, and swallowed hard to make the dozens of pills go down. His cheeks inflated again as the flow of water continued to fill them. The harsh sun and the effort it took to waddle his way to the beach had made him dehydrated, so he just kept drinking, continuously.

K: “Uh-oh, it seems like the water balloon wasn’t even full after all! Hahaha!”

Kyle and Mark put their hands on the side of the monster’s stomach and could feel the gurgling, the air bubbles, and the stretching of the impossibly large belly. They laughed at first, but when they could feel the mass tightening up, getting harder than a rock, they began to worry. The giant was slowly swelling up, to an even bigger size. He looked like he was about to burst from the pressure!

Xander was completely full, but now too big to reach the hose in his mouth. His eyes opened wide as the water continued to fill his mouth even if there was no more space left. His cheeks were growing larger, as he couldn’t even swallow anymore.

K: “Oh my god! Take cover, he’s gonna blow!!!”


The pressure was so great that the water hose popped out of his mouth, avoiding an explosion by mere seconds.

M: “Holy shit, X, how much can your body grow… I can’t even…”

Mark’s comment was interrupted by a vibration coming from Xander’s body. His entire mass started to shake, as if an eruption was about to happen.


The two boys slowly backed away, unsure of what was about to go down.


Xander’s body puffed out several feets larger. The muscle stimulants all acted at the same time and inflated him by a spontaneous growth spurt. Every muscle in his body got bigger at the same time, making him even more cartoonishly looking.

Mark and Kyle were flabbergasted. They couldn’t help but be amazed by the phenomenon they have just witnessed, by the absurdity of it all, and by the ridiculous size of the man in front of them.

But once the shock factor faded away, their smiles came back.

K: “Hey, if you ever get to move your fat giant ass to spend a day in the zoo, make sure to go fully clothed, otherwise, they might capture you and put you in an exhibit, right next to the elephants!”

M: “Hahaha!”

K: “We’ll come back next year, maybe his belly will have deflated when he’ll give birth to several baby elephants!”

M: “You really think he’s gonna deflate? This elephant is way too hungry for size to shrink back. I’m sure he’ll be even more ridiculous next time! But I don’t think his muscles could get any bigger. Maybe he’ll have to start eating to get bigger, and put that big belly to good use.”

Mark winked at Xander, which made him furious. But at the same time, his rival was right. He felt so great at this moment. His immobility was making him horny. So much so, that his dick was painfully hard. He rocked back- and-forth to let the surrounding muscles press on his dick. For a whole minute, he used his own gigantic body to jerk off, hands free. Every movement made him feel like he was about to explode, until he finally came in the sand.

He couldn’t go back now. He couldn’t stop growing. He wondered how he’ll manage to get even bigger. Then, his stomach rumbled. He was getting hungry.

To be continued.



Unf, that was insanly hot again!!

Jamey Anzell

love where this story is going!