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Of course, Mark was right. Xander couldn’t help himself. For a whole year, every time he came across a new drug to boost his gains, he jumped on it like a shark, hungry for blood. The amount of shit he took every day was getting ridiculous. Injections, pills, powder, they just kept piling on: he almost spent more time ingesting those substances than actually working out. He just couldn’t stop. The more he gained, the bigger he wanted to get. He could practically watch himself grow in real-time in the mirror. He blasted through his weight goals, until he simply chose to aim for a bigger size. Bigger than his favorite bodybuilder. Bigger than anything he could imagine. Bigger, at all costs.

Xander had BALLOONED during the last year. His look went from contest-sized bodybuilder to offseason wreck, to… to… hell, I don’t think a muscle mountain like him could be described by a single word. His chin was always resting on his ginormous pecs. They were so round and bouncy, that one could swear that those jugs were containing at least a gallon of milk each. Although, if you were able to touch them, you’d feel just how packed with juicy meat those things were. Solid as boulders. Speaking of boulders, his shoulders and trapezius were so overgrown, they were also slowly burying his head as they grew. His arms could barely bend anymore. His biceps were bigger than basketball, and almost as hard. And his legs were also ridiculously inflated: there’s not a seat in the world that could fit those thighs without being absolutely destroyed. But the center of attention, the center of his whole enormous freak show, was a blimp of a belly, pushed out by his enlarged organs (thanks to the steroid and hormones he took) and covered by puffed-out abs. Normal abs can sometimes look like a muffin tray where each sugary treat is a nice round bump. In Xander’s case, each muffin turned into a whole cake, fighting for space in the oven.

But he didn’t care. He felt so enlarged, so gigantic, that he loved every second of it. He could feel himself getting too big for the world around him. Each movement was tedious, his muscles were always bumping against something around him, including other muscles of his own impractical size. He finally became bigger than a normal man and transcended bodybuilding itself. He was “building” something more. A mass monster.

Lost in his head for a whole year living his ultimate fantasy, only one thing could snap him back to reality. His old partner, Mark. This time, his friend was furious as soon as he laid eyes on his deformed silhouette. Mark came running, furious.

M: “Fuck, man! What have you done? I’ll admit that you looked spectacular last year, but now… What the fuck is this? You look inflated like a balloon!”

X: “I’m just growing, you know? Working out, making myself even stronger.”
M: “Sure, just like a normal man, right? Nothing is normal about your body anymore. That belly! Man, that belly! Hahahaha! I have to show you to Kyle.”

Mark came back with his tall and thin friend Kyle.

M: “Look, that’s the guy I told you about.”
K: “Oh! I thought it was a kiosk selling balloon animals!”

The young guys laughed at Xander’s expense for a whole minute.

K: “Hey Mark, have you seen my beach ball? It went flying in this direction and suddenly disappeared. Did your bodybuilder friend swallow it? Yeah, I think it’s inside that huge belly! Listen!”

Kyle thumped on Xander’s bloated abs and sides like a drum, emitting a deep sound, exactly like a beach ball.

Annoyed as hell, Xander tried to grab the joking twink, but his arms couldn’t reach the front of his huge ballooned belly.

X: “Stop…it…you…jerks…!”

K: “Maybe he just needs to be deflated a bit. Can you find the valve? Oh, I think I saw it! It’s the tiny thing in his speedo!”
M: “Hahahahaha!!!!”
X: “ARGGGHHH! Fuck you guys! I’m bigger than both of you combined! I’m the strongest man on this beach and I’m proud of it!! I may have gained a roid gut, but my abs are bigger than your heads. You’re just jealous of how huge grown.”

Xander started to flex, but his lack of mobility made his attempt grotesque and laughable, proving Mark’s point.

M: “Sure, man. Not overblown at all… *Sigh* When is it gonna stop, man?”

X: “...”

M: “You know what? I was disappointed at first, but now, I’ll admit that I’m entertained. I’m already looking forward to see how ridiculous you’ll look next year.”

Mark and Kyle walked away, while Xander grumbled some unintelligible mumbling. He still didn’t see any problem with his body. Maybe it was because it grew accustomed to it as it inflated to this ridiculous size. Or, maybe he was truly blinded by his desire to become as big as possible, repressing any rational thought that would put an end to his inflation.

As he waddled on his way home, the teasing of Kyle and Mark was replayed in his head over and over, as if the last part of his brain not intoxicated by the drugs was trying to make him understand the truth. Instead, it fuelled his anger, and resulted in the worst possible conclusion: he wanted to grow even more to shut their mouth. He’ll double down on growth formula and shake until they have no choice but to worship him. A whole year of muscle growth. He wants to get gigantic.

To be continued.



Oh. OH! This! This is perfect. Down to the last detail! Pushing aaall my buttons here! Now, how do I put this without sounding ungrateful or greedy? Let's just say, I hope it keeps heading towards the right direction. And, may I ask, how many more parts you are planning to create?


Glad you like it! I think it's getting exactly where you want it to get ;-) There's two more parts, the drawings by Your_Caretaker are already done, all I need now is to finish the coloring and the drawings for those part. It should be ready this month or in november


Oh, now I get it! This is basically the extended version of the "Bodybuilders at the beach" comic, right? Or do they just statt similar?


It is: originally, it was supposed to be just a series of drawings, but I got too inspired and I wanted to color them and write a story for it ;-)


Love your text so far and enjoyed parts I - III of the drawings. Just had wished Xander was even more muscular in part IV instead of getting fat.