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Kyle had taught Bob a lesson after defeating him at that improvised eating contest. However, despite the boy had gotten stuffed to perform his food feat against Bob, it seems that things were gonna push his stomach even more, since Bertha would never consent that his boy misses a good dessert after every meal; San Marco´s cake.

Once at home, Kyle sat at the kitchen table and Bertha brought him the said cake, and despite feeling his stomach at his capacity limit a few minutes ago, the tempting look and smell of the old woman´s food made his magic; the shiny top layer of toasted yolk, together with the bright orange color of farm eggs, and the borders of the cake, covered with a generous dense wall of fresh cream, made it impossible for Kyle to wait for another second, shoving a big spoon into his mouth and reloading his eating utensil while he was still moaning of pleasure with still puffed cheeks, eager for the second mouthful.

“How about that, sweety? Does it taste as good as you expected?” Bertha asked filling up a jug with water and handing a glass to the hunk.

“Aaaagh … much tastier than I ever expected! … mmmm”

The body of the cake was so soft and spongy that this tender sensation encouraged Kyle to keep getting his teeth into it. When he stuffed down half of the cake he leaned back to take a deep breath and said, exhaling through the last mouthful “Ohhhh … it´s so delicious … but I´m so full already … I can´t take anymore. Well, at least I know how good it tastes”

Bertha took a serving spatula, “Haha I don´t think so, honey”, Kyle, still chewing his  big last mouthful, followed with his eyes the old woman's hand as she cut the rest of the cake up into two pieces, “You see? the half you´ve already eaten had a cream filling inside but the other half has a white chocolate one”

Alfred added quietly with a mysterious tone of voice “plot twist of the movie, my boy!”

“I didn´t see it coming! And you know what?” Kyle asked sinking his spoon into the cake, “I hate unresolved endings!” and took a well-loaded spoonful into his mouth.

When the hunk was about to finish the whole cake, he leaned forward grunting due to the effort he has to do to compress his fuller than ever stomach to grab the dish, then he let his torso fall heavily back against his chair to keep stuffing down the last pieces, now that that position made able his gut to expand some more.

While Kyle was polishing off the rest of that dessert, they knocked on the door. Alfred stood up and went to the door and opened it. It was Donna and Bob.

“Hi, Alfred,” the woman said, “Can we borrow your mower? Ours is busted and now that I’ve bought some new pool furniture I´d like to fix up the garden”

“Sure!” The old man answered, “come in! I have to ask Bertha where it is”

When they entered the kitchen they found Kyle standing, drinking up a big glass of water; just right after the last gulp he let out a loud sign and said, “Auuuuhg … that´s it, auntie! The whole cake was dead delicious … Buuuuurp … gulp … I was way stuffed but I just couldn't miss that half chocolate-filled part … Oooooofff!”.

While Kyle rubbed up and down his entire gut enhancing its protruding curvature with the movement of his hands over it, Bob dropped his jaw in disbelieve, alternating his gaze between the hunk´s stuffed belly hovering further than his still unfastened short jeans, and the empty cake tray, just with some crumbs.

Donna was impressed by the fact that Kyle had a whole cake for dessert after the eating confrontation and said pointing at him, “Look at that, Bob! Kyle not only overcame you but also was still hungry!”

“Oh, yeah” Bertha confirmed, “We told you before. The boy is lifting hard so he has a good appetite; we have to keep our boy well fed! Just look at him, our Kyle came here kind of skinny, just two months of weights and eating big, and look at him now, look at these muscles! And he´s just 21!”

Alfred reinforced his wife´s words, “And you know what! With all he´s eating our Kyle is gonna get even taller and much bigger”

The old couple´s predictions inflamed Kyle´s pride in such a way that he exploded flexing hard his muscles, “Yeeeeeaaaaah!” the hunk shouted out almost grunting as he flexed strong his biceps, arching back his torso showing off his bloated stomach for all to see.

Bob was shocked as if his entire world was falling apart around him. He knew he was no match for his trucker buddies when they stuff themselves at the diner, but being beaten by fit boy like Kyle? He was devastated. “But… But… It must be a trick! Look at my glorious 70 inches belly! I MUST be a better eater than him! Bring me anything. I’ll show you that I can beat him.

Alfred was carrying a case of beer to put in the fridge for their guests, but Bob took it from his hand. He opened the box like a kid would open his Christmas presents, grabbed a beer, opened it, and chugged it in one go.
Then, another one.
Bob’s belly was growing from the carbonation. He was gonna prove just how big he can get.
It wasn’t fast enough for him. He took a knife from the kitchen counter and punctured the can to shotgun it. Its content was emptied inside his mouth in seconds. Even Kyle was impressed. It was working.

Can after can, he was chugging them faster and in a messier way every time. His beard was soaked and it was dripping on his shirt, which was riding higher and higher on his growing belly.

And then, that was it. He had successfully drank 12 cans of beer. An entire gallon, visibly bloating him. His belly was once more, bigger than Kyle's. But his pride only lasted a second. His stomach was gurgling and groaning. It was too much, too quick. His fullness came back with a vengeance: his entire torso was aching, from his neck to his cock, his skin, all the way to his back, and everything contained in that huge balloon, was stretched to their bursting point.

His head began to spin from the intoxication. He felt sick. He had to steady himself to avoid falling. His head was above the kitchen sink like he was about to throw up. He just let out a moan of despair…

…that transformed into a long and deep belch, as if he was a sink being unclogged. His belch was so intense that foam dripped from the side of his mouth, letting everyone know that he was full up to his throat. The case of beer had inflated him so full of air that you could see his glorious belly deflating during this neverending belch. When it was finally over, he fell backward, all the way to the ground. And he laid there, inert, completely KOed. His limbs were spread wide like a starfish, while his fat belly was still shaking from the impact.

Everyone in the room was worried, until Bob let out a sign of life: a long humiliating fart, deflating him one last time. He wanted to show his dominance but failed miserably. Nothing was more pathetic than his drunk, bloated body, farting and belching, laying on the ground for everybody to see.

Bob had never felt so small in his life. The group was looking down at him, literally. That young boy had everything he hadn’t. He looked at him and felt that he should give him his due. Or maybe he was just too drunk to have any more pride. “Your uncle is right, you got real talent, boy, I’ll give you that. Great eating. *URRP*. To tell the truth, I’m impressed. You’re the first one to beat me in an eating challenge. I’m sorry for the beers. *UURRPP*”

Kyle was too excited and drunk to react, drunk on a mixture of admiration, happiness, and animal instinct of superiority that was overflowing his mind and his heart.

Bertha snapped him back to reality: “Kyle … Kyle! Say bye, sweety, Bob and Donna are leaving!” Alfred had helped Bob get back on his feet, wondering if he’ll be able to walk back to his house.

Kyle looked at their neighbors, “Oh, yeah ... sorry … see you Bob … bye Donna”


The next day Kyle felt at his home gym stronger than ever; he was able to lift the dumbbells he was using currently with relative ease so he hit for the first time the heaviest ones he had, getting a so intense pump he had never experienced before. He told Alfred about that exciting event while exhibiting the mentioned aftermath on his muscles, who explained at the sight of his impressive poses, “Of course, my boy! Yesterday you stuffed yourself huge to outdo Bob with that eating challenge. You got tons of energy in your body to make those muscles blow up to handle bigger weights! Bertha and I told you yesterday; that you´re meant to be a big man!”

After that conversation, Kyle felt like the favorite jock of a coach that doesn´t stop encouraging him to get the best of him. The jock whose coach appreciates and admires all his hard efforts. The jock, whose best reward is to see his coach beaming with pride of his achievements under his guidance.

Kyle was absolutely determined to keep enlarging his muscles more and more during the whole year he was going to spend at that farm, but now his desire of lifting and eating to get it grew fiery.

Kyle, having decided to spend the whole year at Garrison´s farm, totally gave himself to his desire to find out how much stronger and bigger he could get. Winter, fall, and spring passed as new machines and heavier weights were added to his home gym. The old couple gladly watched their boy growing and eating just everything they put on the kitchen table, which encouraged him; Kyle never said it was too much and always asked for more.  The more Kyle ate, the more weight he lifted, and the more weight he lifted the more his body grew, and the more his body grew, the more he ate; a cycle that got completed again and again with more intensity like those spinning currents of air that blow up on power and size at every round, and that once thin boy, of whom it could be said he was a whirlwind by his restless character, now turned into an unstoppable hurricane that in his path inhaled everything and blew everyone away with his virility blasts; when summer came back, that boy exploded in size …

Kyle’s towering stature hit now 6’ 5’’ and his imposing weight was close to 300 pounds; the constant hearty amounts of delicious home-made food he fueled up his lifts with, not only made his muscles grow in a massive way but also made them blow up on nicely distributed thick layers of fat that enhanced just their right curves and shapes; this effect was especially visible on Kyle´s raised chest of bulging pecs, which, together with his broad shoulders and solid burly upper back, formed a striking whole that fitted over his ample lower torso, whose fat padded thick abdominal wall, up to Kyle´s position and movements, now relaxed on a pleasant slight outward curve, now contracted on a double arc similar to a “B” shape.

From that torso of prodigious proportions sprouted a couple of arms and legs wide as tree trunks; the sleeves of the t-shirts Kyle brought to the farm the first day, which he used to try to check his growth gains, now got ripped by his uncontainable bulky biceps as they demanded more room to bulge out. Regarding his pants, the oldest ones were impossible to fasten or even to pull up to his waist since they got stuck at his massive thighs; the newest ones got the strength of their seams harshly tested as they contour the turgid curves of his quads and bubble butt.

The constant overfeeding that Alfred and Bertha provided to Kyle together with his hard lifts seemed not only to increase the boy´s size but also to boost every sign of virility and power in him; still with one foot on his adolescence, Kyle looked much manlier than any adult. With his sturdy bulk of 295 lb of muscle and fat on a 6’ 5’’ frame, his shoulders, wide as a wardrobe, swayed heavily at each one of his firm steps, and his forceful movements were almost always accompanied by a rough grunt of his now deeper voice.

Kyle´s blond hair became lusher and shining like a wild leafy wheat field under the noonday sun in summer, and his recently acquired harsh body hair sprouted from his torso, swirling like shining copper chips that form harmonic patterns over a magnetized sheet of iron.

His eyebrows, now thicker and more prominent, cast a shadow over his eyes that made their electric blue color highlight like thunderbolts around dark clouds. His nose and mouth grew bigger as if his body wanted to be able to find and inhale much more food to keep growing and Kyle´s three-day coppery beard felt hirsute around his wider jaw.

In sum, that city boy turned into a he-man that irradiated exuberant virility in every way: gigantic size, vigorous bearing, and hard features. An imposing look that, however, contrasted with the crazy freshness and cheerfulness of Kyle´s personality like his late adolescence, resembling a strong muscular stallion horse that keeps his foal playful nature.

To be continued.



Love all the progressions, from multiple angles!


I dread to think how loud that belch from Bob must have been! 😄