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As Richard opened the door of the wooden fence guarding Oscar’s backyard, it creaked loudly, alerting the big men of his presence.

O: “Hey, Richard!

R: “Hey! I guess you’re in you’re still in bulking mode, right?”

O: “Always.”

Richard has known Oscar for at least 20 years. They met on the bus to Bear Valley, when they were moving into this rural, working-class developing town, hoping to find a job. Believe it or not, they were twinks at that moment. They ended up sharing an apartment together for many years. Oscar was shooting for a manual job in construction, but his weak body wasn’t helping. At all. So he started to go to the gym and fell in love with it. Sure, Richard was his gym partner for a year, building some muscles himself, but he couldn’t follow Oscar’s pace and frequency of his visits. Hell, the man was spending more time at the gym than his home: the gym WAS his home. A hint about his future. While Oscar was taking his first job as a gym helper, Richard was a trainee at the local garage. Bear Valley is a small town, so the garage and the gym were owned by old guys, who were searching for someone to take over. As a result, Oscar and Richard both ended up buying their working place, making them their own. Oscar turned the tiny gym into an impossibly vast training ground for all the working bears in the valley. Richard on the other end kept his garage small, but effective.

They saw their job transforming their bodies over the years, going from twink to thick manly bears. Richard is still surprised to see how massive Oscar became. But knowing him so much, he can detect the smallest fluctuation in Oscar’s weight. Lately, it’s the bear’s middle who’s catching Richard’s attention. What was a flat stomach with rock-hard and deeply creased abs had transformed into a permanently bloated belly, which totally dominated Oscar’s frame. His turtle shell gut couldn’t be missed, as Oscar was rarely seen wearing a shirt. Even XXL clothing would be too constraining for the muscle bull. Shirts would slide on his round belly and reveal his belly button, sleeves would threaten to rip on every movement of his ginormous biceps, and his enlarged neck would choke on any regular-sized collar. The only thing touching his chest was his leather suspenders, highlighting the curve of his round belly, and occasionally rubbing his dark nipples. Even on this hot summer day, Oscar was wearing his leather pants like a second skin. Richard wondered how the bear was able to sustain the pressure on his junk inside those tight pants. He could see the outline of Oscar’s big balls and cock, excited to see them more clearly when they would put on their swimsuit later. Just to be clear, there was no sexual desire between those two good friends, but they still secretly admired each other’s bodies: Oscar’s transformation into the ultimate muscle bear, and Richard’s fattening as the dirty blue-collar worker.

The big bear had invited him for a swim, on this hot summer day. Just two bears enjoying life with a beer in hand, that’s all.

O: “You seem to have deflated a lot since I last saw you at the garage! I’m glad you were able to get that bloat under control!”

The mechanic blushed because he hoped that Oscar would have forgotten about their last encounter. That night, he was in the middle of his secret kinky activity: inflating himself with an air compressor. He loved the feeling of his belly growing huge and tight, like a tire about to explode from the pressure. So when Oscar walked in, he had to make an excuse to explain his hugely inflated belly. He was terrified at the thought of revealing that strange kink to someone. Even to his extremely large, furry, and manly friend.

R: “Haha yeah…I did… Oh, hey Bob! I didn’t know you were coming too!”

Bob was sitting on a folding chair in the backyard, sipping a Coke. It was mesmerizing to see how a tiny chair could contain and support Bob’s enormous body, which was at least two times wider. A miracle of physics.

Richard knows everybody in town: one day or another, they always end up at his garage. But Bob was a special client for him: he followed his gaining journey, seeing him grow fatter every single time he would come by. He’ll never forget the time he had to extract him from his car after a drive-thought binge. He heard about Bob’s venture into the “immobility” realm, he was fascinated. He never thought a man could get THAT big… Nonetheless, he’s kinda relieved that Bob was able to find some balance in his life.

B: “Ah…well, me and Oscar are living together now.”

R: “Oh! It makes perfect sense, you two complete each other so well! I guess now I know where Oscar’s belly comes from! *wink*”
O: “Let’s say that Bob is making me discover the joy of eating, so this week’s diet has been pretty loose! I’m on vacation, so I’ll deal with that later at the gym.”

Oscar slapped his belly, and the sound it made gave Richard all the information he needed. The belly wasn’t deep or empty. It was meaty and full.

He sensed that Oscar’s stomach and guts were much larger than those of a normal man, stretched by countless stuffing sessions. They were pushing his thick abs outward to form a perfect sphere. And on top of it, he saw an inches-deep layer of giggly fat. That fat was also enveloping his entire body, making him look like a puffed-up version of himself.

After his perfect evening with Bob, Oscar saw how easy it was for him to get back into his original muscular form, so since then, he let himself grow fatter from time to time without any guilt or restraint. “Cheat day” was his excuse for a bloated belly, “Bulk mode” was his excuse when he fattened up, but his “I’m on vacation” was his ultimate wild card. During those times, you’ll never know which version of him you’ll get to meet. Being his own boss, he can give himself as many vacation weeks as he wants, but he enjoys lifting too much to leave for more than a month. He knows the gym is always in good hands with his colleagues Tommy and Jay, but also from the help of regular members like James, Xander, Dirk, and Mark.

O: “Sit while I go fetch some beers. You want some, right?”

R: “Sure!”
O: “Great! Take the case, 24 beers, all yours! We drank so much this week, we will stick to soda today. Right, Bob?”

B: “BUUUURRRP. Yeah, all yours!”
R: “Oh, wow, thanks, guys.”

The big mechanic opened the case and took his first beer, which was still ice cold. He was so thirsty and hot that he chugged the whole thing in one go. Refreshing!

Richard wasn’t a great drinker. He’s normally the one with a soda in his hand: he loves bloating himself with those bubbly drinks. As a result, his tolerance for alcohol isn’t good at all. Unlike his two heavy friends who could drink an entire keg without feeling drunk, it only takes a few beers for the mechanic to be completely smashed.


And so, as the guys continued to talk for half an hour, Richard was chugging can after can. At first, it was to quench his thirst, but after the beer bloat was settled in, the urge to fill his ball belly with even more liquid was irresistible. He was drinking each can quicker than the last, which made Bob raise an eyebrow.

B: “Damn Richard, you’re really going for it! Tough day at the job?”

R: “Yeah, actually. That cycling event was today, and it seems that there wasn’t a single store in this little fucking town selling bike pumps. The starting line was near my garage, so many of those hundreds of people came to me to fill their tires with air. I spent the entire day under the sun with my air compressor, helping them. I made a lot of cash in tips, but I’m so tired and thirsty!

O: “You’re definitely the master of air inflation in this town!”

Richard almost fell out of his chair from the shock of hearing his friend saying that to him. The fear of revealing his kink once again made his heart pound into his chest. It took him a few seconds to understand what Oscar meant, even if it was extremely straightforward. But the two big bears didn’t question his hesitation, thinking it was only the beer that made Richard slow to respond.

R: “Huh?! Oh…umm.. yeah, I guess I am.”

Richard chugged yet another beer, nervously.

O: “And what are you planning for–”


The discussion was cut short by a thunderous groan coming from the mechanic’s beer-filled belly.

B: “Woof, man, how can you drink that much beer without burping? Are those cans flat or something?”
R: “No, they are fizzy as hell! It takes me a LOT of air to make me belch. I guess I got used to keeping it inside to avoid customers' complaints. The air is all in here **OOOF** building up…”

Richard lightly tapped his groaning belly, as he chugged another can.

O: “But we’re all friends here, don’t hesitate to let one out if you ever need to. It would make some room for even more beer! ***BBUUUUURRRRRPPP**”

Oscar forced a belch out of himself to encourage his bloated friend to expel some air, but the mechanic was determined to let himself blow up like a balloon.

R: “I don’t need more space, I’m pretty sure I can drink more. A lot more!”

He reached for the case and took a beer in each hand, opened them with a single finger, and poured them both at the same time into his mouth. He didn’t even need to close his lips: he chugged and chugged without even stopping once! While doing so, a ridiculous amount of air was entering him, inflating him even more. Bob and Oscar were watching his belly swell in front of their eyes. Oscar was trying to hide a boner that was slowly starting to creep in.

O: “Do it again! Chug! Chug! Chug!”

Richard grabbed beer numbers 11 and 12 in his hands and poured them into his mouth too. But now, his coveralls were getting tighter than ever around his growing ball belly. That rigid fabric can’t stretch that much, so his body was filling every inch of it, tight as a plastic glove. The buttons on it were snaps, and they were about to do what they were conceived for. They were holding as much as they could, showing patches of darkened, hairy skin through the growing holes around them.

B: “Damn, you better take your coveralls off before they explode!”

Before he had time to react, what was bound to happen, happened: the snaps popped, one by one, revealing the mechanic’s hairy, beer-filled belly.

O: “Woah, well done big guy!”

Richard was very drunk, he tilted his head back and fell asleep.

Chugging challenges between bros is pretty common, so none of the boys were shy at the moment. Still, each of them had a pretty kinky second reading of the situation. Oscar and Bob looked at each other, shocked that their friend was able to drink two third the case. “Damn”, whispered Oscar to Bob, “Richard got quite the capacity, he got 6 liters of beer in that thing.”
“I know, right? And he didn’t even belch a single time, there’s got to be the equivalent of at least 2 liters of air inside him… He’s like an inflated balloon, about to pop.”

R: “**GASP**”

As soon as the word “pop” came out of Bob’s mouth, Richard suddenly woke up from his nap, as if he was waking up from a nightmare.

O: “Are you ok Richard? You look full! Need a break? You really ballooned up, buddy! I’m not sure your belly can take much more air!
The mechanic was delirious, drunk as ever.
R: “....Ballooned…. Belly….More…air….”
He reached for another can of beer and started to chug again.

Bob frowned at Oscar, and whispered “Are you serious? You just hit every buzzword to make him want to blow up even more…”

The drunk man was drinking his 20th beer while groaning until suddenly, his every member became limp like an uncontrolled puppet.

Oscar got up to make sure he was all right. He put one of his giant bear paws on the bloated sphere a pressed with slight pressure, hoping to force a belch to help the drunk mechanic deflate a bit. The skin was so tight that the entire belly just swayed to the other side, and when Oscar removed his hand, the sphere bounced back and forth for many seconds, emitting a sloshing sound so loud, that one would believe that an entire ocean was trapped inside the sleepy man.

B: “Why the hell did you do that for? We can hear the beer bubbling up inside him, it’s inflating him even more!”
O: “Oh shit, you’re right, he’s expanding! Damn, how can he contain so much air without burping even once! That man is an inflatable balloon!”

R: “**GASP**”
Once again, Richard seemingly came back from the dead when he heard the words “inflatable balloon”, and reached for the final four beers. It was almost somnambulism at that point: his hand did the motion while his eyes stayed closed. He chugged surprisingly fast for a man intoxicated as he was.

O: “I shouldn’t have pushed that case of beer on him, he’s not a gainer like us…”
B: “Well, is he? His stomach capacity is incredible for a normie. Besides, he seemed to have enjoyed every second of it.”

He was referring to the serene smile on Richard’s face, which have been there the entire time.

23… and finally, the 24th beer was brought to Richard’s lips, while his belly was groaning and sloshing in protestation, now the size of a giant fitness ball.

The entire case, 8 liters of liquid and countless liters of air had inflated the man into a blimp, revealing to his friend the result of his years of air inflation training.

The bear couple just sits there, amazed by the secret talent of their friend.

Suddenly, tension started to rise, as the drunk man began to moan and pant. “Oh no, he pushed himself too far”, they thought. The belly was wiggling, puffing in and out rapidly, looking like it couldn’t contain the pressure anymore. Richard was laying horizontally in his chair, so you could imagine the air, trapped at the top of the sphere, unable to get out. Bob even wondered if Richard’s cavernous belly button would shoot the air out like a dolphin. At this moment, it seemed like the only option to avoid an impending explosion.

Richard seemed to sober up in this moment of panic, despite having drank an entire case of beer and muttered a few words in distress.

R: “Ooofff fuck… It got to come out…Or I’m gonna burst like a water balloon…*OOOFFF* Sorry guys, I need to do it…”

They both thought that he was gonna throw everything up. Or worst, explode. But to their biggest surprise, Richard stayed seated deep in his chair, pinned by his liquid-filled belly. He didn’t throw up. Instead, he reached around his gut with difficulty, opened his fly, popped his cock, and started to expel a huge stream of piss straight in front of him, flying between Oscar and Bob. His cock wasn’t long and most of its length was buried inside his fat pad, and with the amount of liquid trying to come out of him, the pressure at which the pee was coming out was spectacular. The fat slob was just sitting there and leaking like a pierced beer barrel, hands-free.

The gainer couple jumped out of the way to avoid being peed on, shocked by the nonchalance of the fat slob.

O: “You disgusting pig. I fill you with beer and this is how you thank me? Hahaha”

They all did big belly laughs. Huge belly laughs, in fact.

O: “Well, we better go for a swim or we will be flooded by that lake of piss.”
B: “Do you think it’s safe to bring him into the pool? Look how drunk he looks! Maybe it would be safer for him if we had an inflatable tube or something…”

O: “Oh! I think I got something! We just need to inflate it. Where’s the pump?”

The two boys should have known that inflating something with air right in front of Richard while he’s completely drunk isn’t a wise thing to do…

(to be continued…)

