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Bob’s boss offered him a gig: to be a mall Santa at an event sponsored by his trucking company. The big bear had to admit that he quite liked the Christmas cheer, and mostly, being paid for sitting on a big chair all day long. His glasses, natural ball belly, and lush beard made him the perfect candidate. The costume was a bit tight, but filling a coat meant to be used with a big fake belly made him proud of his very real, fattened-up body.

The first day went well, he was genuinely happy to see the smile on everybody’s face coming to see him. Someone even told him that in a way, being a trucker and transporting stuff during the holiday season kinda makes him a real Santa. It made him proud.

But he never suspected that his huge stomach capacity and infinite gluttony would be useful in this candid job! A devilish marketing scheme changed his whole experience: a cookie company partnered up with a milk distributor and opened a kiosk next to Santa’s throne. “Make sure you receive wonderful gifts this year by buying some cookies and milk for Santa!”, said the big poster, pointing at Bob. The marketing team thought people would buy a carton of milk and cookies and bring them home for Christmas, but the huge arrow pointing at Bob led to a HUGE misunderstanding. They thought the point was to feed Santa, this Santa, at this very moment, while asking him for gifts! All day long, people were having fun feeding the big man with the delicious treat.

This is how Bob looked when he first put on the costume, stay tuned to see what he’ll look like after a whole month of cookies and milk in the next drawing on December 25th!

(short story by ls6y06cl6a0n)




What a perfect man for the job