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     And that´s how Kyle arrived at that farm to work there for the whole summer as a punishment for his poor grades. However, after trying Garrison´s delicious homemade food for dinner, Kyle totally got back his usual bright view of life. Now The question was … would the tasks at a farm ruin this city boy´s optimism?

     A few seconds before Kyle opened his eyes, he felt a cool morning breeze on his uncovered belly. He lazily raised his head, squinting at the soft light from the window that let him know that dawn was breaking. He stooped rolling on his side to pick up his phone and check the time.

     “Fuck! I’m twenty minutes late!”

     He put on his uniform in no time and went downstairs lightning-fast, broke into the kitchen while fastening his overalls and holding his bandana with his teeth, “Oh, I’m sorry, I´m so sorry! Yesterday I was so tired that I fell asleep right away and I couldn´t set the alarm”

     Alfred and Bertha were at the table having breakfast. The old man was reading a newspaper while having a cup of coffee and just said quietly without looking up from his journal, “Hey, easy, boy. This is no desk work; you don´t have to check in every two seconds”

     His wife confirmed his words, “Of course! As long as you get your work done you can organize yourself the way that suits you. Go and wash your hands while I heat your breakfast, I think it isn´t that warm already”.

     As expected, the Garrisons prepared for the city boy a breakfast, worthy of appearing in a granny recipe book; his large plate was brimming with sausage biscuits, hash browns, scrambled eggs, crispy bacon, rich gravy, and buttered biscuits; a sight that blew Kyle away.

     As soon as the boy sat at the table he picked up here and there from the plate as if he wanted to try every food in one second, anxious to find out how each one of them tasted with rushed mouthfuls.

     Alfred took his eyes from the newspaper to look at Kyle, “My child, I told you there´s no rush”

     “Yeah, Kyle” the old woman agreed while filling the boy’s glass with orange juice “No need to hurry up. Don´t worry if you showed up later. Settle down and enjoy that food”

     Kyle answered as clearly as his puffed cheeks allowed him, “Oh, I know. I eat this fast cause this breakfast tastes delicious as hell! Wow! And I do enjoy it!” Then he drank his glass up, “Ooooooh, Auntie, no matter if I had 6 hours of history class ahead. If a breakfast made by you was waiting for me at the kitchen table, I’d get up early feeling like the happiest guy in the world! … yummmm … so much more to go!”

     “Haha, oh, dear!” Bertha’s face beamed with pride and satisfaction as she observed how the boy kept on eating til he even cleaned his dish to have an extra last bite, “Drink your juice up, sweety. Alfred will show you around”

     “Yeah, auntie” Kyle answered taking his glass to his mouth to gulp down the whole liquid in one go.


     The farmer and the boy got to a parcel where there were some animals such as horses and bulls. As that one was a family farm, there were not many of them, but those few ones were extraordinarily large and strong.

     “Woooow!” Kyle exclaimed with eyes nearly popping out and dropping his jaw, “I´ve never seen such huge as hell animals!”

     “Yeah, my boy” Alfred confirmed with an air of contentment, “I own the biggest, beefiest animals in the county! They´ve won many cuttle competitions for me.”

     “Woah, uncle! I can tell that by their crazy sizes!” The boy said pointing at them, “How did you grow them so big and strong?”

     Glad of Kyle´s curiosity, Alfred answered, “Just three things, my child: feeding them up on the best food, making them work hard, and treating them with affection”

     “Affection?!” The boy said, still with his eyes locked on those magnificent specimens.

     “Of course!” Alfred ensured, “affection let them know that all I make them eat and work hard is because their breeder loves them and wanna see them big, so they will grow happily for me”

     Kyle squinted his eyes while assimilating the farmer´s words, observing an overly huge muscle, and somewhat gutted Percheron horse.

     Alfred realized the way that impressive animal bewitched the young man and told him, “Yeah, you can see how happy and playful that horse is. When I got him he was such a skinny foal compared to now, but I can recognize potential. Now he´s a prize strong stallion and he´ll surely grow even more.”

     “Even more?!” Kyle asked astonished.

     A smile crossed Alfred’s face, “There´s always room for more, my boy”


     After that chat, the city lad started his tasks under Alfred´s guidance and help. Some of them were easy to do and bearable, such as fruit picking. Kyle even found chopping wood amusing. However, dealing with some animals in their corrals was troublesome and exasperating.

     After a couple of hours, Alfred brought the boy a large sandwich and a big glass of fresh milk. At that moment Kyle understood why he wasn´t given an even bigger breakfast; Garrisons had in mind offering him a really huge snack halfway through the work.

     His worst task was to stack big barrels; lifting them took all his strength and was a tough time for him.

     By the time the boy was done with the last one of those containers, Alfred said, “Well, good work, that´s enough for today! Hungry, my boy?”

     Kyle leaned back against the wall, gasping, “That last barrel … Hugh … Hugh … destroyed me”, then he run his forearm over his forehead, “hungry? I’m so hungry, uncle! Oooof!”, He exclaimed crossing his hand over his stomach.

     “Hehe, well” Alfred answered, “Let´s go home”

     It was a sunny hot day so Kyle unfastened his overalls suspenders showing his whole slender torso. Like on his arrival day, as they approached the house, the delicious smell of the old woman´s cooking got stronger and more penetrating.

     Kyle inhaled a huge amount of air as if he wanted to dive the longest he can. “It smells so good! Oooooh! Uncle, now I´m not hungry, I´m starving, haha!!” Suddenly, the boy took off towards the house, spurred by those tempting emanations. Alfred basked in the vision of the young man chased by Gus barking to play with him and heard the city boy saying with his voice attenuated by the distance, “Haha, I can´t play with you now, buddy, I´m starving!!”, then Kyle briefly patted the dog before entering home and shouted, “Auntieeee, what´s for lunch?! I´m starving!”

     When Alfred showed up, Kyle was already sitting at the kitchen table, with his eyes locked on the plate that Bertha was bringing to him, stretching his neck to check its content as soon as possible even before Bertha plopped it down on the table; it was loaded on pork steaks and up to three types of beans, enough to feed at least two or three people.

     The old woman placed the plate in front of Kyle, “How was your first day at work, sweety?” She asked while pouring generous amounts of gravy with his ladle on his food.

     “I´ve done pretty well, auntie!” The boy answered as he took a big spoonful of beans into his mouth, “What I like most is chopping wood”, he explained while chewing those legumes and slicing one of those steaks.

     Bertha nodded with a meaningful expression of validation on his face while putting her husband's plate on the table, who added, “Bertha, you should´ve seen our city boy cutting up logs! I show him anything once and he got it down”

     The old woman sat down at the table and patted Kyle´s shoulder, “Oh, it seems that our city boy is cut out to be a strong lumberjack!”

     Kyle fleshed a smile tors her and kept on eating. The lunch went ahead while having a nice chat about other events during the farm tasks and with Bertha and Alfred recounting “tales”, some of them curious, others amusing, that those mentioned events of the day brought them to mind and that happened to them in their lives as farmers.

     The pleasant couple´s company, the exceptional flavor of those steaks and beans, and Kyle’s hungry after his work day stimulated him to ask for seconds; a request that Alfred and Bertha were glad to please of course.

     While the boy was finishing his second helping, the old man said, “Well, it’s evident that lifting those barrels has done you good; you’re eating even more than yesterday!”

     Kyle, encouraged by those words, took the plate to his mouth to eat directly from it pushing with his spoon every last bean into his mouth, despite feeling quite full for a while.

     “That´s it, boy!” The old man said while patting Kyle´s back, “your muscles are asking for extra food to get bigger to deal more easily with those barrels next time!”

     Kyle plopped down his plate while chewing his last big mouthful, “Oh they better, hehe!” and suddenly performed a double biceps, looking briefly at each one of his still pumped-up arms and then gazed back smiling with sparkling eyes at the old man, “That way I won´t have any more hard time with those barrels! By the way, now that you´re talking about getting stronger. Is there any gym over here?”

     Alfred answered, “There´s one in the village, but as you know is far from here”

     “Well, is it cool if I get some dumbbells and a bench to lift weights,” Kyle asked

     “Sure, my boy!” the old man replayed.

     “Of course!” Bertha said, “you can even put them in the small warehouse and lift there, so your room is not crammed with stuff”

     “Oh, really?” Kyle asked excited due to the old couple´s validation.

     “Yeah” Alfred added, “Do you need an advance of your paycheck to buy them?”

     “I don´t; I have some money saved, but I really thank you anyway,” the boy answered.

     “Well,” Bertha said, “we have to go to the town to do some errands at the bank soon, then we can go and buy what you need”

     “Ah, cool!” Kyle explained, “The truth is that I wanna start lifting as soon as possible; lifting weights with one of my best friends was one of my plans for summer. His name is Mark; we´re pals since high school; we used to play basketball. I go swimming and play water polo. I find lifting weights kind of boring, but my friend teased me to go together. He´s been going to the gym for 4 years; he´s very strong with ripped muscles and he told me that I wouldn´t get much bigger than him and as eating tons of hearty food is the key to bulking up I wanna try cause I think I´m in the best place haha” he concluded as he rubbed the swelling on his stomach and sighed of pleasure; an unmistakable sign that he was already totally satiated “Anything you cook tastes so delicious, Auntie!”

     “Don´t worry, Kyle” Alfred said, “My wife won´t let you down, haha”

     Bertha confirmed her husband´s words, “You won´t miss anything. By the way, I have a surprise for you” She said as she blinked and stoop up.

     “Oh, really?!” Kyle asked impatiently, “What is it?” and then he followed Bertha with his eyes to the fridge. She brought a cheesecake that plopped down in front of Kyle, almost as large as those sheet cakes from supermarkets, and said, “Yesterday you liked that apple pie but you told me that cheesecake is your favorite dessert, right? Well, I´ve made it for you, sweety!”

     Kyle's expectation expression turned into a forced smile; he was so hungry after work and those beans and steaks were so delicious that he totally forgot the dessert and end up having seconds so he hardly had some more space in his stomach. However, after all the support Bertha and Alfred showed for his gym purpose he felt unable to refuse, especially when that caring woman bothered to bake his favorite dessert.

     Bertha cut a big piece, a whole quarter that she offered to Kyle on a plate and a spoon. Kyle said “Wow, it looks so delicious!” trying to disguise his satiety as far as possible, but inside he was saying to himself, “Ooooff, I can´t say ‘no’ I gotta eat it all up! … but it really looks so delicious …”. He grabbed the spoon and took a couple of huge deep breaths in, determined to entirely polish off his portion. As soon as the first spoonful went through his mouth and he tasted it,  the texture of that delicious cake felt so nicely soft and wet on his tongue that, to his surprise, despite being so full, Kyle was eager to just squeeze big mouthfuls in without hardly chewing.

     Bertha asked while serving herself and her husband a small portion, “You like it, don´t you, sweetie?”

     Kyle just nodded to show his approval and after noisily gulping answered, “Wooow, nothing like this, auntie!”

     Alfred said, “Bertha, this boy doesn’t waste his time; just look how he eats that big piece of cake after having seconds. That´s good, my boy! You do wanna get big eating and lifting!”

     Bertha reinforced her husband's encouragement, “Oh yeah! He’s just 21, so tall and still growing, eating like a big man he’ll become one soon!” She said while briefly feeling Kyle´s blond hair.

     Then, that tasteful homemade dessert and Bertha and Alfred’s words made their magic, and after accommodating his big last spoonful in his cheeks to more or less clearly speak, the boy asked, “Auntie, can I have some more, one more piece?”

     Kyle felt so encouraged and admired that he just wanted to keep on impressing Bertha and Alfred with his eating. However, the city boy disguised his fullness too well, much to his regret. Expecting to be served one more portion of equal size, Bertha offered him a piece almost twice as big. Despite that, Kyle began his attack on his second dessert, but after a few minutes his growing satiety overcame his impetus, so he thought of a trick to skip the rest of it, which was not little, and at the same time not to refuse. The boy started to accumulate in his mouth spoonful after spoonful to empty his plate completely with the intention of spitting it all out somewhere else later.

     Bertha watched Kyle impressed by the manner he was cleaning his plate, “Haha oh, honey, it´s evident that cheesecake is your favorite dessert! What a way of eating!”

     Alfred added, “And having his home gym here makes him eager to grow, Bertha. Just look how this boy jams that cake in his maw!”

     Kyle, unable to utter a word with his impossible to contain massive mouthful, gestured in between groans to indicate that he was going to leave and brush his teeth, then he stood up. As he extended his legs, his utterly stuffed abdomen towered over the couple´s heads in front of their very eyes, like a freshly blown-up balloon rising in the air

     Kyle saw in Alfred and Bertha´s widened eyes the effect of the stunning size of his stomach, which was now much more noticeable as it was not partially hidden anymore by the table while sitting. Kyle, following the direction of the farmers’ sight, glanced down to check that his swollen gut protruded much more than he expected, abruptly clutching it in surprise.

     “Jesus, Kyle!” Bertha exclaimed, “Anyone can tell just by your belly that you´ve eaten like a horse!”

     Kyle fleetingly nodded his head while grunting, anxious to walk out and get rid of that overwhelming huge mass of cake that felt inside his mouth like a huge sodden sponge, but before he could turn around completely, Alfred made him stop short with a question, “Kyle. Where did you put the axe? It is not in the toolshed”

     The boy turned to the old man to explain, pushing the words through that puffing amalgam of food. Alfred took his hand to his ear, like trying to understand Kyle´s distorted voice, frowning his face as a way of asking the boy to repeat. However, unable to listen correctly (or pretending not to), Alfred said with a begging tone, “Oh, sorry, my boy, I can´t understand you, you know … I´m somewhat old already and my ears don´t work quite right … just swallow so I can get what you say”

      Alfred stared at Kyle´s eyes. There were no excuses. The boy, unable to look away just swallowed without almost chewing that overflowing mouthful to skip as soon as possible that embarrassing silence, the same silence that let his heavy gulps sound loud as he forced that big mass of cake through his neck into his swollen stomach, “GULP! … GULP!-left the axe on the pile of wood; I thought of cutting up some more logs later, Oooooff” Kyle said ending with groans of pushed fullness while feeling his roundness, feeling the way that last unexpected big portion of cake forced his stomach to expand a couple of inches more while landing in it

     Alfred reached out to strike with his well-opened hand a couple of assertive slaps on Kyle´s ballooned-up abdomen as if he checked the quality of an overgrown watermelon, “Eating big makes you wanna work more, so much energy, right, my boy? Hehe. And you´re spot on, Bertha, when you say this boy eats like a horse; this young colt is meant to grow big and strong like a Percheron horse!” Then the farmer gestured with his head tors the last piece of cheesecake on the table.

     A savage instinct of stud overflooded Kyle´s body, which he unleashed unconsciously in the way of jokes; playing the role of a cocky bodybuilder suddenly performed an impetuous double bicep and with an exaggerated hard voice said, “Let's make this colt grow bigger and bigger!!” and he stuck the last entire portion in his maw, chewing in a showy way with a proud smile that his ballooned-up cheeks stretched til a grin as he stared at the couple with sparkling eyes of wild and lighthearted craziness.


     Kyle closed the door of his room. Then he hooked his thumbs to his waistband overalls to pull his uniform down enough to check every inch of his stuffed stomach; from below his pecs to the last hair of his happy trail.

      “Ooooh! they managed to make me eat a ton!! Hehe … ooooooff!!! I feel I´m gonna fucking burst!!!” he said to himself as his hands perceive the protruding curves of his gut up and down while rubbing its swelling, topping off those movements with a couple of drummy slaps that sounded to ready to pop. The boy let himself fall back into his bed making the coils of his mattress squeak noisily. He felt his stomach so much at his max that he had to spread his legs and sink his hands between his groins and his briefs to relieve the uncomfortable tightness. The lad said to himself while frowning his face, groaning heavily as if he were holding a rock and feeling the fullness in his stomach, “Ooooofff, seconds on those beans and steaks … and they didn´t even consider I might feel too full and made me eat a big piece of cake for dessert … and then they managed to make me pack away that entire cake in here … hehe … oooooff”, he marveled as he slapped his stuffed gut, “and I loved it! … What the hell is happening to me??!!”

     This and other questions raced through Kyle´s mind as his bulging abdomen ranged up and down with his moans, still providing broad caresses all over it with a sedative effect in the profound stillness of the late noon. That silence, only briefly interrupted from time to time by some bird song in the distance, gradually infused in Kyle´s body and mind the warm doze in which nature seemed to be immersed; he slowly dragged his arms on the mattress to put his hands under his head, enhancing, even more, the curvature of his full stomach and then, he indulged himself in Bertha and Alfred´s compliments and encouragement, “Any reason is good to them to make me eat: ‘my boy, we need you strong for work’, ‘sweety, you´re so tall and still growing’ … ‘eating like a big man he’ll become one soon!’ “, a lazy smiled appeared on his face as the sweet languor of the late noontime closed his eyes, ‘This young colt is meant to grow big and strong like a Percheron horse!’”.


      After a delicious nap, Kyle went outside to play with Gus. The Garrisons were sitting in the living room. Alfred was watching an old western movie on tv and Bertha was knitting. From her rocking chair, the old woman took a look at the boy through the window, tilting down her head to watch Kyle over her reading glasses playing with the dog, waving a stick, running here and there chased by Gus, and laughing as the animal failed to catch the thin piece of wood.

     Bertha got back to her knitting and  said, “So … what do you think of the boy?”

     “Well,” Alfred answered, not looking away from the tv, “He just looks like the son every parent would like to have”

     “Oh yeah, you´re right!” Bertha agreed, “he´s a cheerful boy, that is growing strong and healthy and he tries to help in everything … and he´s so funny with his jokes, he does love playing the clown, such a cheerful boy”

     “Yeah” Alfred confirmed, “He´s all that”, they both agreed as a light smile got unconsciously drawn on their faces without looking away from their activities for a couple of minutes.

     “There´s something that doesn´t add up” Bertha stated while her needles tinkled one against each other, “we can tell that Kyle is a very hardworking boy, you checked with your own eyes today, and yet he didn´t get good grades, but he’s not a blockhead; as you said before you show him anything once and he got it down. Either way … it´s just that I find it too hard sending him here, far from his friends and all things that a city boy like him likes, and just because he has had a bad time with his studies”

     “yeah it must be hard” the old man answered.

     “The day Kyle arrived,” Bertha said, “He mentioned his parents, he told us that they sent him here, but he didn´t tell us anything about them, and today, he told us many things about that friend of his, Mark. You know, as if he didn´t like speaking of his parents”

     “Yeah, I realized” Alfred agreed.

     Bertha suddenly stopped knitting and said waving one of his needles tors her husband, “Kyle doesn´t have a good relationship with his parents”

     “We don´t really know” Alfred answered staring at the movie, almost murmuring “but we´ll see”.

To be continued.


Holden Scott

God fucking incredible! Would love to see some SOFT fat on this body too :)