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Once again, we are gonna review all you´re ideas to keep developing them for several thematic drawings. Do not hesitate to remind me anything, write suggestions for new ideas, or keep rounding out the ones we already have!

- Keeping extreme sizes

- "Snowstorm" by Exjockfeeder, a possible story to be illustrated in the future

- Mikes Jones's idea of the story he wrote with the chef "Growing in Rome"

- Bodybuilder Jay gets bigger overfed and manipulated by his twinkish friend (suggested by Malanore)

- Bodybuilders at the beach, one of them gets a beach ball gut and gets mocked by an athletic guy (Suggested by BallbelliedBB)

- Regarding drawing VIPs subscribers as circumstantial characters on illustrated stories let me know if you wanna be drawn. By now we have Phatter and Charlie Lawrence. Currently, I´m trying to find you a place on "Jake´s new regime" By Exjockfeeder.

Regarding Bodybuilders at the beach, some of you suggested that those two jokes (Mark and Kyle) make Xander grow to an unmanageable size and they mock him. Let me know what you think.

About the stories you proposed take into account please that I´m currently working on "Jake´s new regime" by Exjockfeeder, "Juiced" by BeefyJusting and "A summer in the farm" by me, so it can take some time and they might be put to a vote.



I vote for "Snowstorm." Love exjockfeeder's stuff. I'm literally chomping at the bit for Jake's New Regime; it's one of my absolute favorites. The Jake you drew is amazing, and I can't wait to see him start gaining.


I have an idea for a scene or short series of scenes… off-season bodybuilder gets accidentally locked into a bakery and has to spend the night there. Owner and staff comes in the next morning and sees half their items gone. They don’t see how someone could have broken in, then the owner finds the hugely bloated belly of the off-season bodybuilder and realizes he must have eaten it all. The owner offers the guy a deal that the owner won’t call the cops if he eats one more cake. The bodybuilder reluctantly agrees and can’t believe it when the owner rolls out a giant 4 layer wedding cake!