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On the very final day of the GOMAD, they wanted a grand finish.
James would do another milk chug challenge. He wanted to show the world how much he could contain now. He asked Luke to have a large quantity of milk ready.

His channel was so popular that he thought he could use that final video to finance the construction of a bigger house for him in the vast land around his current house. The quantity of milk he will drink would be controlled by the donations during the stream. One-quarter of a milliliter of milk for every dollar. Last time, he was able to down 20 liters, so today, he would gain 80,000$ dollars instantly. He wasn’t sure that the viewers would give him that much, but he had to try, right?

Luke explained the concept to the viewers at the start of the stream, then turned the camera toward James, who was even bigger than he was 5 days ago...

His belly was so huge, so heavy, that the rest of his body was sitting on top of it. His members were spread like a starfish and ballooned up into a series of spheres. He looked like a parade float. His pecs had ballooned out of proportions as if they absorbed and contained all the cream from the last few days. His face was distorted by his enormous cheeks. They were bigger than his biceps were at the beginning of the month.

His body was so big that every single one of his words required a full breath. He would be inhaling for a few seconds, and then exhale while the word was coming out of him as a deep and cavernous sound that resonated inside his entire body, and the entire room.


Many viewers came on the spot.

He thought that Luke would bring a couple of gallons of milk, but his boyfriend had a big surprise for him…

The sound of a truck going in reverse could be heard.

The garage door opened…

A milk cistern was parked outside the studio. James was speechless. He couldn’t even guess how many liters this thing contained.

The chat went crazy.

After a few seconds, James thought that it was probably just a way to make the video viral, to have an impressive thumbnail, so he just went with it.


Luke appeared on-screen with some kind of tube.
“Are you ready for the final challenge big guy? Open up!”

He fed the tube down James' throat. The bodybuilder was shocked, but as the tube reached his stomach, he was relieved that he won’t even have to swallow.

Luke went with some reverse psychology: “It’s the final feeding! Please don’t give too much money, you don’t want James to explode, right? I only bring a milk tank because it was easier to have access to a big quantity of cold milk… James doesn’t seem to have a limit anymore and we don’t want him to drink this entire 10,000-liter tank, or else, he’ll fill up the entire studio! So go slowly, please. Remember, a quarter-milliliter for each dollar! I’m opening the donation… now!” His evil speech worked wonders.

Immediately, a thunder of sounds blew out of the computer. Thousands of people were donating at the same time. Some 1$, some 10$, but others, way more than that. It was relentless.

Luke opened the valve and the milk came rushing through the tube. James’ eyes, wide opened, were following the milk that was advancing toward him. It entered his mouth, went past it, and flowed directly into his stomach through the tube.

He had grown so large during the GOMAD month that it took a while to fill up, like an inflatable mattress during the first few hundred pumps.

Meanwhile, there were millions of live viewers who watched the number of liters going up on the screen, while their eyes were glued to the immense ex-bodybuilder which was getting heavier by the second.

After many gallons, the spherical man was finally full enough to enter the next phase. Expansion.

The viewers were horrified and yet fascinated by this strange spectacle. There was only one thing they could do to change the outcome. Donating more.

The gigantic belly under James swelled and lifted his entire body. His members were spread out even more.

Slowly, every part of him was seemingly absorbing the liquid like a sponge and grew even bigger.

It was now almost impossible to differentiate the muscles from the fat.

He was losing his human shape, and became something…more.

He continue to swell and stretch slowly for half an hour, and now, another player was about to enter the game. Gas.

A loud thunderous sound shook the entire room.

“Uh-ho”, Luke thought, having completely forgotten this part of his lover’s inflation process. He secretly knew that the viewers would donate a lot more than James expected, filling him with a good portion of the gigantic milk tank, but hadn’t even thought about the side effect of the lactose. He looked at the bull expanding above him like a parade float and wasn’t so sure how he would manage to contain the amount of gas that was about to be created inside him.

That’s when it started. Suddenly, his growth rate was accelerated. His circumference was increasing by 2 inches every second.

If James' eyes were visible, you would have seen his expression change.

The pressure inside him was getting so intense that every part of him, every organ was swelling uncontrollably. Including every pleasurable part.

His balls were forced to fill up with liquid. Their size was unprecedented.
His prostate was squeezed like a lemon underneath all of the ridiculously full organs around it.

His nipples were under so much pressure that they grew visibly larger and taller, until a gush of milk, one inch in diameter came rushing out of their tips. Still, it wasn’t nearly enough to compensate for the amount of milk that was entering him.

And finally, his cock was the victim of a strange phenomenon. The liquid accumulated in the subcutaneous tissues and the spongy part. His cock was swelling, as the milk took the role of the blood. The tip was engorged to the point where the opening was shut tightly. When he let himself go, hoping to piss some liquid for a bit of relief, it just inflated his cock like a water balloon.

His entire body was stimulated, including his brain which was in ecstasy over the feeling of getting just so fucking gigantic, without any sign of slowing down.
And he was hungry for more.

All of his erogenous organs were stimulated at once. He was having the best and longest orgasm of his entire life.

So instead of trying to stop the flow, he did what no one was expecting of him: he sucked the milk faster than ever.

Far away, a metal sound could be heard. Then…


He was sucking so hard, that the tank collapsed on itself. James was drinking it like a juice box. You could hear the ocean of milk sloshing and bubbling up inside him. He was still growing. Bigger and bigger.

Suddenly, the donation was blocked. Was the video reported? Did people stop donating? No. The milk tank was empty.

10,000 liters were now inside him.

Luke rushed to the tube, pulling it until it popped out of his lover's mouth.

The challenge was a success. But on the other hand, the gas inflation was just starting.


A muffled scream of pain resonated inside the growing giant. The pressure was building inside him. He was about to explode.

Until something happened.


A deafening fart exploded out of him. So loud and so deep that every person living in the kilometers surrounding him thought that it was the horn of a boat, passing by. Except, the sound continued for many minutes.

The milk and gas were still filling him faster than the air was coming out. The fart stabilized his rate of inflation a bit, but he was still swelling.


But he needed more release. His cock, now spherical and the size of an exercise ball, was ready to blow. The engorged tip finally expanded enough to let a drop of liquid make its way through the hole. Immediately, his pee hole dilated at more than 6 inches wide, expelling water at the force and rate of a fire hydrant. Luckily, the cock was pointing toward the garage door, so the studio wasn’t flooded with pee. Nobody could guess how large was his bladder, but it took several minutes to empty. The liquid slowly turned from clear to opaque white, as James was still orgasming, and his balls needed that release too.

During that time, his ass was still blowing gas at full force.

Worse, the force of the wind was stretching his asshole and the sound was getting exponentially louder.


Luke couldn’t endure it anymore. “Arrggh! Make it stop!!”

His wish was granted, as suddenly, the sound ceased.
James' butt cheek became so fat that they completely sealed the breach, stopping that deafening fart.

But now that the gas couldn’t get out, the milk balloon started to inflate even faster!

The belly was rising his body higher by the second until his back touched the ceiling.

He was about to fill the entire room.

Luke was panicking. Was he about to be crushed by his wildest dream? The entire studio was about to collapse, and he couldn’t get out. That’s when he saw the perfect bunker. A hole big enough for his whole body with room to spare, to protect him while everything was being destroyed.

James’ belly button. He slipped into it, and started to jerk off furiously with one hand, as the other was caressing the walls around him. He was completely surrounded by belly.

On the stream, all you could see now was a brown mass slowly advancing toward the screen. It became darker and darker… Then, the camera was toppled over by it, and was now pointing at the ceiling. The mass appeared at the bottom of the screen, and continued to inflate until it buried the camera under it. In the dark, you could hear a screen cracking. Then, nothing.

Nobody knows what happened after that. Did the bloat subdue when the air and liquid made their way out, so he could slowly shrink back to an over-bulked version of his former self? Or did he continue to grow until the walls of the gym collapsed under the pressure of his growing body? Was he then fed to an even bigger size?

Rumour has it that the final stream earned them more than enough to buy a new house not far from their original secret location. They say that it’s a dairy farm.

The entire month's worth of James’ GOMAD videos continues to accumulate millions and millions of views to this day. It was the ultimate freak show. Media were sharing it, and the gainers were watching it multiple times a day until every frame was burned forever into their memory.

The End



What a great story! I truly loved all the gas inflation, milk filling his every organ, the massive amount of piss and cum he released! Everything! I can’t wait to jerk off to this in its entirety again and again!

Jamey Anzell

I love how this story played out and how big James got!