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As VIPs, I´d like to offer you more by making this tier more participative and I decided to ask your opinion more directly: in the comments here, you can write what specific content you would like me to draw (characters, situations, kinks, real gainers under their consent, etc) you guys might have varied likings, but I will put all of them together as far as possible.

I also take the chance to let you know that I will be offering to this tier exclusive early previews on illustrated stories that I´m working on such as "Jakes' new regime" by Exjockfeeder, "Juiced" by Beefyjustin, or "A summer in the farm" by me. And other bonuses such as color versions by Is6y06cl6a0n of previous drawings.

I'm curious to see what you want me to draw! Thanks for your support!


Mike Jones

I think a contemporary one would be great- nice sleek expensive 3 piece suits - pocket squares - rings Rolex watch


So my idea is 3 big bodybuilders, all in the mid late 30s, so all are experienced, have been lifting for a long time. They meet up at the beach after having not seen each other since before covid and it turns out one of this has overdone the roids, gh and insulin and while he has bigger pecs and bis he's grown a gigantic roid ball gut. The other 2 are stunned to see how big his gut has gotten but he downplays it, my guts not that big he argues. Then a muscular athletic built college guy comes up and asks the biggest guy, hey I can't find my beachball... did you swallow it? The other two laugh so hard! Not sure if this is one scene or a couple of illustrations or what. And I'm open to different takes on the idea. And thanks for asking!


So it´s a kind of short scene. Ok! I take into account all the ideas and will put them together as far as I can