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One of the stories I´ll be working on next, together with "Jame´s new regime" by Exjockfeeder. Here you are the main character and a trailer written by its author. I know it doesn´t look, by now, as big as most of you guys would like. However, every story needs a good progression ; ) I hope you enjoy this preview!

"Kevin loved being in the bodybuilding scene… he was a bodybuilder himself, worked for a popular bodybuilding website, and had already met some of the most famous bodybuilders on the circuit. He was young, handsome, and ready to take on the world!

But something was missing. Yes, he was a bodybuilder but he wanted to be big; not just compared to the average guy, but he envied those top pros he had talked to. Why couldn’t he be that big? Kevin stumbles across a special supplement at a hardcore gym and he’s going to find out what it's like to be bigger than he ever imagined!"




Sounds promising. Does the story already exist or is it written especially for your drawings?


Is there a way we could give stories to you? I have a few.


There´s always that possibility, although I have some ahead to illustrate, it may take time til I illustrated yours. If you´re interested you can message me privately and let me know about those stories. Thanks for your interest!


I’ve been trying to write a story very dear to me, and your illustrations put some nice ideas in to my head on how I can do it. And even if you don’t get to illiterate it, I would still love to hear what you think.