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The milk-filled belly had fully deflated during the night. James wasn’t feeling so bad anymore. He was optimistic. He’ll beat that challenge. He decided to do his weight training in the morning from now on, hoping to avoid repeating yesterday’s grotesque spectacle.

Luke, seeing that the 8 liters of milk might not be enough, pushed the plan further.

L: “Maybe it wasn’t such a good idea to drink the gallons in one go. I think the bloat won’t be as bad if you drink a smaller amount at the time. Look, I bought this 1-liter bottle. I’ll bring cold milk during the day until both gallons are empty. I bet it won’t feel as daunting.”

J: “Big bottle for a single liter…”
L: ”Oh..uh.. It’s insulated, to keep the milk cold. He he he.”

J: “Oh well, thanks, man. That’ll help, for sure.”

This bottle will have more consequences than you might suspect. In reality, its capacity wasn’t a liter, it was 1,75 liter. That was Luke’s solution to make James drink more than expected. On the second day, he was able to force 10 liters inside his bloated boyfriend.

This 6’3” giant has a good appetite, but even for him, those 5000 calories of whole milk were a lot. Still, it was almost nothing compared to the supper that Luke had cooked. Once again, he completely ignored the bloated state of his lover and prepared a huge meal full of meat, potatoes, and gravy.

J: “Why did you make so much food? Didn’t you see what happened yesterday? I can’t eat that! Look at me, my belly is about to burst already!”

L: “Yeah, I know babe, but the entire month is gonna be a big cheat day. What if you don’t gain weight? Your entire fanbase will be disappointed. Let’s boost the result with food.”

James still had 4 liters of milk inside his stomach when he sat at the table The milk balloon took the fork reluctantly and ate, bite by bite.

In the middle of the feast, he was sure that he had reached his breaking point. Luke came to the rescue. He slowly caressed the food baby to relax the muscles while he took a fork, and forced the rest of the meal inside him. James had just given up any resistance, and sat there with his eyes closed, swallowing and growing a bit bigger after each mouthful. He could feel his skin and abs trying to stretch around the overfilled stomach.

With the last spoonful of a sweet dessert down his throat, his boyfriend announced that he had finally ate it all. He opened his eyes to see the damage. When he saw the big brown ball sitting on his lap, he jumped in surprise: it pushed even farther than he thought it would.

He now possessed the ultimate turtle shell belly. His middle was just a bunch of rounded shapes squeezed together, with deep creases between them. Nothing was sagging: he was stuffed like a Thanksgiving turkey, with a rock-hard body to prove it. There wasn’t much fat accumulated on him yet, so the size of his belly was entirely due to the shear volume of food, milk and gas that he was desperately trying to contain. He was sweating profusely, as his body was trying to work in full force to turn that meal into energy.

Too stuffed to talk, James was just relieved that it was finally over, thinking he could finally rest and digest it all.

But at that moment, groaning and gurgling sounds could be heard. The delayed milk bloat was starting.

J: “Godamn… Not now!”

Luke was barely able to hide his excitement, as he watched his meaty lover get even bigger in front of his amazed eyes.

L: “Oh! Just breathe babe, it will be over soon. Do you want a belly rub?”
J: “Yes…*BBUUUURRRRPP*... please. Ooooofffff.”

James’ belly was already as big as yesterday after the final bloat, and yet, it was about to blow up a notch further. He couldn’t do anything except sit there and watch his body being inflated with gas. He was wincing like a woman in labor, spreading his legs to make room for his expanding gut.

Yesterday’s bloat had only tenderized his abs. Today, they were ready to extend like no other muscle of his body ever did. He was doing the absolute opposite of his daily crunches: he was pushing them out as far as he can in an attempt to relieve some pressure, as his stomach and guts were growing several times their original size. Every time he would stop pushing, his abs would barely shrink down, painfully resting on his inflated organs. He could only push them out once more, further still, while the inflation continued with no sign of stopping. Luke was rubbing the sphere, sweating from excitement, feeling the belly swelling under his finger. His dick was so hard that it could have pierced a hole in his pants.

After a few minutes, James’ abs were stretched like the membrane of an inflated balloon, so thin, that you could barely see any muscle definition anymore: just a smooth, overinflated surface. His belly had bloomed into a perfectly spherical shape.

When it finally stopped growing, the gut had broken the 80” barrier. This abs-stretching exercise had liberated the tension of 15 years of crunches and sit-ups. He felt like deployed airbag, wondering if he’ll ever be able to reabsorb this ball of flesh inside him. The answer: not for a very long time. Once it popped out, it would have taken all his energy to flatten it again, and most importantly, he would need to be completely empty. The GOMAD challenge wouldn’t allow that.

J: “Holy shit. I’m totally maxed out. I didn’t think I was capable of ballooning like this.”
L: “Amazing. Those 8 liters of milk won’t be a problem now. You’re so big, it looks like I could curl in a ball and fit my entire body into that huge belly of yours!”
Luke caressed the bloated sphere: it was hard and meaty. He slapped the ball, and it produced a deep and resonating sound, making you feel how solidly packed it was. The ball bounced a bit, and a huge belch exploded out of James. Luke continued to massage the belly, almost drooling: it was the sexiest body he had ever seen in his life. He got so horny that the blood of his whole body seemed to rush toward his dick, giving him a huge and painful hard-on. He could have fainted. He rimmed the belly button with the tip of his finger, and James let a moan of pleasure. His middle was so stretched out that it became hyper-sensitive. The giant fell asleep, and Lucas ran to the bedroom to masturbate.


The effect of the GOMAD on his body was finally starting to show. Apart from the belly, his muscles were finally starting to grow again, as they absorbed the milk protein like a sponge. The muscle gainer focused so much on the new measurements of his arms and chest that he failed to notice the layer of fat that the milk also put on his entire body. Every day, his belly button was a bit deeper.

Lukenoticed that James was moving differently. There was a hint of a waddle, barely visible as if he finally accepted that huge belly as part of his new shape. The waddle was a clear sign of things to come… The bodybuilder sometimes caught himself caressing his swollen middle, or just putting his hands on the belly shelf. Was he finally becoming a gainer?

Eager to see his boyfriend blow up even bigger, Luke couldn’t help but make the biggest meals, making sure they would be as filling as possible. Rice in large quantities, potatoes, a lot of meat, and carbonated drinks.

One time, James didn’t even make it to the sofa for his post-meal nap. He just dropped on the carpet, looking absolutely stuffed. But his man still had something for him.

J: “Another milk bottle? I thought I was done!

L: “Oh, sorry, I don’t measure the quantity. I guess I didn’t fill it enough throughout the day, there was still some milk left.”
J: “Fuck… I feel like I’m gonna burst… Please, from now on, put more each time. I don’t want to have another surprise like this.”

L: “Sure!”

That’s exactly the response Luke was hoping for: he’ll now be able to feed him a full 1,75-liter bottle, 8 times a day. That’s 14 liters. “3,5 X GOMAD”.

That night, the bedsheets couldn’t contain James’ overinflated body without leaving Luke in the cold. The big bodybuilder gave up the idea of sleeping covered, anyway: his body was constantly overheating from the digestion process. He was lying on his back, with his belly swelled over him, several feet tall. They both couldn’t help but stare at the big ball of overinflated flesh.

J: “Ooofff… Today that GOMAD shit was hard. I wasn’t planning on turning into a fucking blimp, but here I am.”

He thumped the sphere, and the pressure resulted in a comically long fart.

L: “You’ll get used to it big guy.”
Luke thumped it too, and as he hoped, another big fart came out.

They both laughed and fell asleep.


The next morning, James and Luke were shocked to see that the immense belly hadn’t deflated much during the night. Luke thumped the huge ball to test its softness: he thought that James was still full from yesterday’s gases after those 14 liters of milk. To his biggest surprise, there was no resistance at all: his hand was able to push deeper and deeper into the belly. That thing was completely empty, soft, but still impossibly big.

They had to face the truth: his internal organs had permanently grown to inhuman sizes to accommodate his new diet. His stomach was probably as large as a deflated beach ball, while his guts might be big enough to transport a whole watermelon without tearing, like a snake eating a prey several times its size.

While filming his daily video, he was flexing every single muscle one by one in front of the speechless viewers, amazed that he was finally growing again. But when it was time to show his abs, his expression changed. He grabbed his massive belly, disappointed, and shook it.
J: “And this, guys, is what you’ll get if you drink 8 liters of whole milk per day.”
The sphere bounced and wobbled, massive and meaty, fully solid, like one big muscle. The one and only “table muscle”.
That scene woke something inside many viewers, who were surprised to see how horny they got while watching that ball of furry, sweaty, solid masculinity move up and down, hitting the pecs and making them jiggle.

James felt ashamed of this part of his body. He thought that everybody would be disgusted by his grotesque shape.

It was quite the opposite, actually. That belly scene made the video explode in popularity. His fans were in admiration front of his determination. They thought that the gigantic belly was making him even more masculine. He was an unmovable force, capable of the greatest things. While the bodybuilding community was impressed by his muscle gains, the gainer community was absolutely drooling. James was becoming their new idol. There wasn’t a single negative comment on the video.

When James saw that, it completely changed his attitude toward his belly. Maybe he was worrying too much about his change of shape?

Later, Luke saw that James was observing himself in the full-length mirror. He was flexing, analyzing every curve of his massive body.

L: “Hey, how do you feel today? Happy about the gains?”

J: ”Yeah, the arms, shoulder, back, and legs finally growing again. You were right! My pecs and arms feel huge! But to be fair, I didn’t think that I was gonna fatten up like this. Look at me, I feel all swollen up. There’s like half an inch of fat all over me… The crease between my abs is disappearing.”

L: “That’s the goal of bulking, isn’t it? Aren’t you glad that you’re finally growing again?”
J: ”Sure. I knew I was gonna gain a little, but I didn’t think this belly was gonna turn into a fucking balloon…Still, people don’t seem to mind.”
L: ”They don’t. They love to watch you grow. I am too, honey. It’s the only time in your life that you’ll be able to feel what a big meaty belly feels like! Enjoy it before we burn it out at the end of the month. You must feel massive…”
J: “I am. I can feel myself growing bigger and bigger, every single day.”
L: “Ooof.. That’s hot. Speaking of growing…”
Luke gave him his first bottle of the day.

J: ”*Sigh*. (He chugs the white liquid, grimacing.) Ugh… That taste is becoming unbearable though.”

L: “Easy fix! I can add a bit of chocolate powder each time, maybe it will help.”

J: ”Oh god, yes, please do. Otherwise, I swear I won’t be able to drink milk for the rest of my life after that month of torture…”

3 hours later, it was time to taste the new and improved bull fattener, chocolate edition. James loved it. His sweet tooth was gonna help him through this whole month of lactose bloat.

As you might suspect, it wasn’t only cocoa powder. It was spoons of weight gainer. That would be the recipe for success. That’s how he was gonna turn James into the superchub of his dream. Now that he knows that James doesn’t mind about the belly, he won’t hesitate to do anything he can to fatten him up even more. Let the real gains begin.

(to be continued…)


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