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If you walked through the woods, you might come across a big mansion far away from the noise of the city. Beside it, there was a hangar, several stories tall, converted into a nice gym, that also serves as a studio for one of the biggest YouTubers. If you saw him, you might be paralyzed in awe, not only starstruck by the guy who once had 20 million subscribers, but mostly because of his extreme size.

“Hi, guys! James “The Bull” Bello here for a new training routine video! Those guns can’t be wrong!”
He kissed his bicep, which was bigger than his head. His lips could barely reach it, while he flexed, his immense shoulder, blown up bicep, and huge pecs were tightly pressed against one another, limiting his movement. They looked like inflated balloons, round and shiny, but were far from being as light. Heavy and meaty, they took a lot of strength to move around: which was, ironically, a workout in itself. An endless cycle of working out to gain, then working out more to support his gains. The simple move of kissing his bicep took longer than expected, because his traps were also in the way: his bull neck was stiff and swollen all the way to his ears. The scene was almost pathetic, but a simple zoom from his cameraman, producer, and boyfriend, Luke, turned it into something legendary. The entire screen was filled with his huge sweating bust. It was almost pornographic. He even put it in slow motion, so you could see the muscles move under his thick dark skin.

Behind him, a wall of trophies from bodybuilding competitions, dating from 10 years back, when he started his YouTube channel. He was still pretty lean back then. But in the last decade, he double, then tripled, then quadrupled his weight, swelling into the legendary shape he’s known for today. No wonder why he was so popular: he was one of the main motivations for bodybuilders and workout enthusiasts all over the world.

That’s why no trophies were from the last 5 years: he had become too freaking huge to compete. Besides, the views on his videos and the revenue from the ads were giving him everything he would ever need.

After his classic training video (that most people were watching to admire his huge body), his message was somewhat desperate.

“There’s only 100,000 of you now, so please share my videos, my revenues are not what they used to be… That’s it folks, and remember, never stop growing!”

The recording stopped and James let out a long sigh.

“Hey, what’s up babe, you feeling alright?”, wondered his lover, Luke.

“I don’t understand. I’m losing subscribers by the minute, but I do the same content as before, and I’m still at my biggest weight.”, he complained as he heavily turned his torso from side to side to offer a convincing view that reinforced his statement
L: “Yeah…Well, I think that is exactly our problem. Maybe your content is too similar to what you’ve already done. And you haven’t gained a pound in over 2 years…”
J: “Is this what it’s all about? Babe, you think I’m not big enough? It’s not my fault I’m stuck in this plateau, you know how hard I train…”

L: “I know. I’ll figure something out.”

Luke got close to his man and caressed his immense chest, each pec was bigger than his entire torso. His hand slid down on the abs of the giant, his fingers oscillated according to James' prominent abs relief, as his hand felt them all over, exploring the fist-sized bumps. He admired muscles, but he was also an encourager. Before meeting James, his previous lovers were thin men that he turned into obese chubs by feeding them all day long. He often daydreamed about doing the same thing to James. He imagined him getting impossibly fat, feeding him until he was about to burst. He knew how hot it would be if James would also have a big round belly on top of his muscular physique, making him even more massive than he already is. But the bodybuilder’s rigorous training and diet would never allow such a thing. Unless…

J: “A GOMAD challenge? That thing with a gallon of milk per day for a month? Come on, Luke! Everybody has already done that years ago, I don’t see why it would bring back millions of people.”

L: “That’s why ours will be special. We’re gonna do a DOUBLE GOMAD challenge. I saw you eat. That big stomach of yours can take it. What do we have to lose?”
J: “Not much, I guess.”
L: “That’s the spirit. At least we’ll do something. Two gallons of milk a day. 50 lbs in a month.”

The giant agreed, presciently caressing his stomach, and it made Luke dangerously excited. He went on the web and tried to generate a buzz without James knowing. He created fake accounts on all the major bodybuilding websites, started discussions about James’ plateau, and asked for solutions for it. His second fake account would respond that the GOMAD challenge was the only solution. “That guy is so big, he probably needs to do a double GOMAD!”, responded the other. He replied with the hashtag #doubleGOMADorNothing on every Instagram post, and slowly, people were mimicking him. The fans then took over and started a campaign to finally make James do that double GOMAD challenge.

It came to James' ears and got him pumped for it. Finally, he was trending again. He announced it on his social platforms and was about to film the first vlog of many.

J: “That’s it, guys! I’m finally doing it! The infamous GOMAD challenge! And I’ll make it double! Let’s see if I can pack not 25, but 50 pounds in a month! Here we go!”

In his large hands, the gallon of milk seemed tiny. Hell, it was smaller than each of his pecs. He rose it to his lips and started to chug as if his life depended on it. As he drank, his stomach slowly filled up, and pushed his abs out. Luke watched the show with delight, already dreaming of how much fatter his lover could get by the end of the month.

J: “Aaaahhhhh. Refreshing! Look at that, a gallon in the belly and nothing more than a little bump! It’s gonna take a bigger challenge to make me sweat! Those abs are no match for that full stomach!”

He crunched his abs, deflating the belly bump. You could hear the liquid sloshing around inside him. He even sucked his belly to add to the effect, but it squeezed a belch out of him.

J: “BUUURRRP!! Ooof, sorry! I guess I shouldn’t do that with a whole gallon inside me. Well, that’s it guys, see you at the end of the day for the second gallon!”

He closed the camera and felt pretty good about himself. He was crushing this challenge. Luke, on the other hand, was anxious. He thought, “Was it too easy? What if the milk doesn’t make him gain at all and barely distend his stomach? People wouldn’t be impressed at all, and the plan would fail. Can I make him drink more without telling him? The transformation needed to be spectacular to live up to the hype.”

30 minutes later, Luke's prayers were answered by a surprising turn of events. The bodybuilder’s tummy was emitting loud groans. His guts were filling with gas. Slowly, his abs spread apart and pushed forward, rounding out into a half-sphere shape.

J: “Ooofff. Jeez, that milk is bloating the fuck out of me.”

L: “I think you might have slight lactose intolerance. You don’t normally consume that much milk in one go, that may explain your gut reaction.”
J: “It looks like I have one of those roid guts now. Oh man, those abs are stretching out, big time!”

L: “Oh, I love the turtle shell belly! You look like those offseason beasts! You better get used to it big guy, because there’s still 236 liters of milk to drink before the end of the month!”
J: “236–oh god. That’s the look I was expecting to get by the end of the month, not after the very first bottle. I just have to make sure that this belly is not getting any bigger today.”

L: “Not gonna happen, sorry: the diner is ready!”

J: “Are you crazy? I’m already full and I haven't even eaten anything yet! I can’t put anything else into that belly!

L: “I hate to break it to you, but that milk won’t give you all the nutrients you need. You don’t want to lose muscle mass, don’t you?”

J: “Guess not.”

L: “Good! Sit tight, because today’s super is particularly big!”
J: “Uhhhh.”

The bull ignored the bloat and ate the plates that Luke was putting in front of him. In the end, he looked and felt like he had just maxed out at a buffet. He was still inflated from the gas, bloated from the milk, and now, his huge supper was adding to the extreme fullness. His record-sized belly was way bigger than a basketball. He slowly got up, waddled to the couch, and fell into a food coma.

After an hour-long nap, he opened one eye and saw Luke filming him, a second gallon of milk in hand.

L: “The day is almost over, big guy! Time to show your fans how strong you are!”

J: “Uuuhhh… Like, right now?”

He looked at his belly which haven’t deflated at all during his nap. He stood up and felt his round belly bounce a little bit.

J: “Damn… I guess I don’t have a choice. Let’s do this.”
He slapped his bloated belly as if he wanted to give it some courage. He let out a long sigh while channeling his YouTuber energy. He forced a smile until it became credible.

J: “Hi guys! **BUURRPP** First day of GOMAD, part 2: another gallon. Here we go!”

He chugged fast, hiding how painfully stuffed he was. His belly had never been bigger and kept swelling as he sucked the milk in record time. His abs were stretching and slowly distending outward several inches. He quickly threw his signature line with a big smile. “That’s it folks, and remember, never stop growing!”,

As soon as Luke stopped the recording, he let himself collapse on the couch again, moaning while caressing his aching and even bigger belly for the next 30 minutes…

J: “Oh. My. Fucking god. I never feel so damn stuffed.”
L: “Be proud of yourself! You did it! It will get easier with time, I’m sure.”

Then, it happened again.
A sound of gas coming from the middle of the sphere could be heard, resonating inside him.

J: “Oh fuck. It will happen every time, will it?”

Once again, his body was reacting badly to that uncommon amount of lactose by inflating him with gas. He couldn’t believe how ballooned he looked. His abs were stretched thin across the inflating sphere, losing most of their definition. His entire digestive system was inflating to its maximum by an endless production of gas. His belly, now the size of a beach ball, was rock solid from the pressure inside.

His hands explored his new curve. He realized that he couldn’t reach his belly button anymore.

J: “Shit… It’s getting so fucking big! At that pace, I’ll be immobile by the end of the month.”

Luke’ eyes illuminated.

James waddled to the gym and did his big evening training routine as always, but much slower than usual. His movements were exaggerated as if he had the belly of a pregnant woman. After his bench press session, it took a lot of effort to get up. His middle was so bloated that he couldn’t bend at all. He tried to do sit-ups but quickly gave up after failing to do even one of them.

J: “Oh God. I’m not sure I can do this”, he said, lying on the ground, caressing the biggest belly bloat he ever had.

L: ”Well, you can’t back off now! The video is already online, and only today, have we gained back 25,000 subscribers! That’s good, right?”

J: “I guess. But that’s not the only thing I gained. How many calories were in that gallon of bloat juice?”

L: “About 2000 each. It’s not that much. You’re just bloated from the gas. You can take it, big man, it’s only a month! Besides, the weight you gain will help you build muscle, so we shouldn’t pass on that occasion. We’ll manage this belly starting next month, ok? Sleep on it, I’m sure you'll feel better tomorrow.”

Luke kept everything in the daily YouTube compilation. The huge farts, the belches, and the swollen middle. It was funny to watch: everyone was curious to see what would happen next.

(to be continued…)




I can’t *wait* to see how this turns out! Enjoying seeing you explore this new territory of gas inflation! 👀