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And so, Magnus embarked on a new quest. Guided by his new friends (the muscle bear Oscar, the always-hungry Bob, and the human balloon Richard), he will explore Bear Valley and meet the gainers who accidentally grew immense from his spell. Magnus is following his magical compass, although Oscar knows exactly who they will visit next. The others have no clue.

It’s kinda funny because even tho the town is not that big, the gainers that inhabit it don’t know each other. Oscar may recognize a few faces from his gym but never assumes that they are actual muscle gainers, or even gay. Maybe they want to gain strength to be better at their jobs, or to impress the ladies. Who knows? The TV ad for his gym may be a bit gainer-centric, but when he sees a fat guy with a deliciously round belly train at his gym, he often concludes that the guy’s goal is to lose weight. Even when they always seem to get bigger on every visit, and compliment Oscar on his gains, looking at his roid gut for a bit too long. Mmmh. Is it that farfetched to find gainers in the wild? The same goes for Richard: the town folks visit his garage for car repairs, but he knows nothing about their kinks. How could he? Hell, he didn’t even tell his love of air inflation to his best friend until yesterday. He didn’t even know that Bob was Oscar’s husband, or a gainer himself!

So that was it: an expedition to meet the big guys who got inflated by their secret desire to grow. Magnus’ mistake was, in fact, a blessing: it was the first step in creating a gainer community in Bear Valley. To tell the truth, it was already obvious when you looked at our four friends squeezed in Oscar’s truck. 

Bob was in the passenger seat, filling the entire space, his fat belly even spilling outside of the truck. That’s because the Jeep’s doors were removed: a reminder of an unforgettable binge at the buffet. That night, Bob’s belly had grown so round that 12 inches of fat would prevent the door from closing. “Try to suck it in a bit!”, said the coach. “I’m…already…trying…”, replied the full pig. Oscar used all of his strength and slammed the door shut. Bob's belly bulged a foot upwards, as the fat was trapped inside the car. From the outside, on the passenger side, all you could see was a giant belly pressed against the windows up to the roof, as if a man had been inflated with air while inside. Bob huffed and puffed all the way home until the pressure became unbearable. Oscar was wedged in his seat, with Bob’s belly pushing into him. “TOO…MUCH…PRESSURE… OOOFFF… GONNA…. BLOOOOOOWWWWW!” And then… POW! The door ripped off the car and flew far away in the distance. From this day on, the doors and the roof were a thing of the past. Even today, Bob’s belly was protruding from the side of the truck, and completely covering the dashboard.

Oscar may not be round like Bob, but he too has body parts outside of this vehicle. One of his muscular arms just wouldn't fit in. It just dangled outside, starting with his wide shoulder. With Bob hugging him from the side and his extremely wide back, there was simply no way for them both to fit without leaving some skin hanging. The steering wheel looked tiny under Oscar’s huge bear paws. He could barely see it, hidden by his round pecs, bouncing on every road bump. Lucky for him, his belly wasn’t at his largest, or else it would have been pressed against the wheel.

Behind him, Richard also took up his share of the space. Chewing gum and looking out at the scenery, he was lost in thought, thinking of all the changes he could suggest to Oscar to make this Jeep more fat-friendly. He was still in his tight work uniform but hadn’t taken the care of buttoning it up, now that he knew that his buddies also loved fat bellies. The wind was drying the sweat in his chest hair. His hand was absent-mindedly thumping against Magnus’ belly to the sound of the radio, like a big bouncy drum. This seemingly innocent hand movement made Richard horny as hell. He was touching and appreciating the big belly of another guy for the first time in his life.

Magnus was stunned by this, unsure if it was a regular habit in this strange futuristic world. The mage could have expelled the mana from his belly a long time ago to make it deflate, but he was far too horny for that. He wanted to appreciate the fullness as long as he could. He loved being surrounded by big guys, knowing they dug his bigger self too. Everywhere he looked, there was something new to him, but all of it was easy to understand. Horses have been replaced by machines, machines that could emit music, it seems. Rich and complex music, too. Nice. (“What’s a cool shoeshine?”, he thought.) He let Richard subtly caress his belly, completely amazed: what he thought would be a stressful adventure turned out to be the most relaxing experience of his life.

Oscar steered the Jeep out of the road, into the sand of the beach. The three other gainers squinted as they saw a silhouette far away. A mountain of skin eclipsing the rising sun. They all knew what awaited them, only they were impatient to see what form this gainer's decadence had taken.

They finally arrived near Oscar’s beach gym. Half of it was covered by a gigantic mound of fat and muscle.

(see the story “Xander’s Hunger for Gains” https://www.patreon.com/yourcaretakerart/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=Xander%E2%80%99s+hunger+for+gains )

Richard: Impressed whistle “ Who’s this big tubby?”
Oscar: “Xander, a friend from the gym. He’s been working out at my place for years.”
Richard: “Working out?! I don’t think this dude can move a single muscle. What a bad coach you are. Hahaha.”

Oscar: “Well, the poor fella was addicted to muscle gain. He was willing to do anything to grow, including taking any pills, powder, and injections he could get his hands on.”

Richard: “Ooof, I see.”

Oscar: “He also was a guinea pig for the research center at my gym. I’m not sure of what they do in there... Ya know, I’m not a science guy. I just rent them the space and offer them the possibility of recruiting my gym members for their research on muscle growth. Of all the sciency things they told me, I understood one thing: you are not supposed to take ANYTHING else when they put you on their experimental formula thingy. And Xander, man, he’s a stubborn fella. He probably mixed it with all of his other stuff.”

Bob thumped the big mountain of flesh, frowned, and put his ear against it.

Bob: “Holly molly. Can you hear his heartbeat? It’s so deep and loud! The hormone must have grown his internal organs. I bet his heart and stomach are huge…”

Oscar: “Mmmh, that must explain why he was so hungry…”
Bob: “Hungry?”

Oscar: “Hehe well, yeah he was pretty hungry lately hehe.”

The big coach was shy and red all of a sudden.

Bob: “What do ya mean, love? You’ve been feeding this guy? You couldn’t help yourself, could you? Oh oh boy!”
The big coach’s face had never been as red. He looked at the floor with guilt, unable to look in the eyes of his lover.

Oscar: “I…I’m sorry my pig. You know me: it’s my job to make people grow. And when a huge fella like him came to me, practically immobilized by his bulging muscles, and begged me to feed him… I… I couldn’t say no…Mmmh. I’m sorry. Are you mad at me?”

The big gainer kept a straight face for a few seconds and then burst out in laughter.

Bob: “Hahaha! Of course not you big dummy! That’s why I love you! What would a gainer with an insatiable appetite do without his horny feeder?”

The round guy pinched his big muscle bear and kissed him on the cheek. 

Magnus was once again completely agape by the situation. “Feeders? Gainers? Opened to feed other guys? Oh my god. I truly am in paradise.” The mage’s cock rose when he realized that this dream team could not only admire his big body, but could potentially feed him, and make him even bigger than before. Woof.

Richard interrupted Oscar and Bob’s tender moment. “Ahem, guys, maybe we should do something about this Xander dude?”

Magnus: “Oh right!”

The mage, horny as ever, almost came when he put his hand on the soft skin of the mass monster. All he wanted to do at this point was use all of his mana on himself and get bigger than he ever was. Bigger than any of those beautiful gainers. Bigger than a golem. Bigger than a castle. Bigger than mountains.

He canalized this strong inner force to gain the strength it took to absorb the magic inside Xander, the magic that made him so, so big. Again, the mage’s hand started to glow, and the energy transfer started. This time, it wasn’t as easy. Magnus was starting to be full from the 3 other deflation: he was getting quite big himself. His belly started to inflate once again. He was so horny for growth that he started to moan from pleasure and the pain of the stretch. Swelling, inch by inch. At the same time, the muscle mountain woke up and saw himself deflate. A moan sounding like a “NOOOOoooo” resonated out of him, a mix of disappointment and relief. 

The three other bears watch the scene in silence, their big cock rising synchronously from the sight and sound of those two huge men’s deep moans.

Halfway through Xander's deflation, Magnus stopped. His entire body was almost spherical now. He let out a big groan while he let himself roll on his back.

Oscar: “Woah woah big guy, are you ok? You look ready to pop, man!”
Magnus: “Ooooff…It’s not the size. I can’t concentrate. I’m…I’m too… aroused.”

The three bears grinned at each other, knowing fully well that it meant Magnus was also a gainer like them, loving extreme size in all forms. 

A long, dense look settled between Magnus and Richard. The mechanic had noticed in the car that the mage was making eyes at him and admiring his big hairy belly. But Richard had never had a relationship with another man and looked away nervously while patting his big belly. At that moment, the magician knew what he had to do to convince him.

Magnus: “Hey Richard… What if I do this?” He pointed his hand at his cock, which he couldn’t reach by this point, and started a spell. His big hard dick did something that nobody else was expecting. “Hisssssssssssss”. Air. 

Richard’s eyes glowed when he understood what was happening. Magnus’ cock was now his very own air compressor. It looked like the leaking spout of an inflatable, only Magnus wouldn’t shrink. His dick will expel an endless flow of air until he stops the spell.

Without even thinking, he removed his clothes and jumped butt-first on the air-leaking cock.

The mature man’s cock, drenched in pre-cum, slid into Richard’s fat ass like a glove. They both instantly howled from pleasure.
At first, you could hear some air leaking, but when Magnus made his cock inflate to fill the space, it was sealed tightly.
So the inflation began. Richard’s belly became rounder in no time. He was filled with air, and the best part was about to begin. The stretch. 

But it wasn’t fast enough for him. He wanted more. He began to slide his ass up and down, and when he pushed it hard into Magnus’ enormous fat pad, he could feel a stronger gush of air entering him every time. So he pushed harder and harder. Each bounce blew him up even bigger, as if he was pushing on an oversized foot pump. 

Magnus roared as he was about to shoot. But he forgot one thing. The spell was still in effect, and nothing else than air would come out of his cock. So when he came, an outburst of air, 50 times stronger than an air compressor started to inflate Richard way faster than ever before.


The poor man expanded like a balloon at a speed he never even dared to dream of. He was living a fantasy inflation, hotter than he could ever imagine. He was soon reaching the size he was before his deflation, but this time, he didn’t feel like he had reached his limit. He felt like there was no limit anymore.

He was expanding by a foot every second, and Magnus's never-ending orgasm wasn’t about to stop. Both men had a lifetime's worth of repressed orgasms, and they would live the moment until the end, even if they had to burst from it.

Half awake, Xander witnessed the entire scene. He wondered if he was dreaming. He had to, there’s no way that all of it was real. Still, someone just made him shrink half of his size, almost returning to normal, magically. Mmmh. He was still unable to move despite losing half of his muscle mass. It made him realize just how big he was. But in Bear Valley, “big” is very subjective. 

Richard was rapidly inflating, and Xander was seeing the immense expanding belly drawing near him, foot by foot, grasping the fact that the skin balloon would soon get to him. 20 seconds later, it did. Like the doctor scene in Nutty Professor, Xander’s body was completely engulfed under Richard's growing belly. The bodybuilder who once wanted to be the biggest was now covered from head to toe under the warm and soft skin of somebody else’s ginormous body. A life-changing experience, for sure. He now knew that he’d never be the biggest, and it was quite liberating. He did his best. He got enormous. Immobile, even. It was fun. But he lost his friend Mark by being so focused on his gains. Was it worth it? Lying on his back, he sighed and hugged what he could reach of the never-ending wall of skin on top of him. It felt so nice. He always was a fan of size contrast, and now that he was in the reverse position, being the smaller guy wasn’t that bad after all. 


As Oscar and Bob watched in utter disbelief, Richard's inflation showed no signs of slowing down. He continued to swell like a balloon on steroids, growing larger and larger with each passing moment. His body expanded to colossal proportions, dwarfing everything around him.

The once-human-sized balloon now resembled a mammoth blimp, filling the sky with his enormous presence. Cars, trees, and buildings seemed tiny compared to Richard's inflated form. His skin stretched to its limits, shimmering under the sunlight as if it might burst at any moment.

The balloon mechanic had reached a state of complete ecstasy. The internal pressure inside his blimp-size body grew beyond what his brain could comprehend, and the pain became euphoria. He became conscious of every fiber of his skin, stretching hundreds, thousands of times larger than before. He should have popped a long time ago, but by being connected directly to the source of the growth magic, he had transcended any form of air inflation that a human could experience. He thought he would explode from pleasure, from being so immensely big, or from reaching the final point of a balloon’s destiny. 

But his expansion slowed down, when Magnus’ groan from his climax became louder and deeper. The mage’s body convulsed several times at the end of his orgasm, expelling violent gusts of air inside Richard, blowing him up a few notches further. 

Then, silence. 

Magnus was trying to catch his breath, while Richard, now a kilometer wide in diameter, couldn’t be more immobile.

Oscar and Bob were furiously jerking off from watching this ultimate spectacle, and Xander, buried in the underbelly of Richard came hands-free, stimulated by the skin rubbing on him.

A few minutes passed as the entire gang took a nap after this incredible moment.


The hands of the mage waved at blimp-Richard, and the balloon glowed for a second before a spell took effect.

All at once, every hole of Richard’s body began to expel air. He belched with the force of Godzilla’s atomic breath with his head pointing at the sky, or else the force of his fart would have propelled him like a rocket. Even his cock shooted air with the force of a fire hose, giving him the pleasure of an ejaculation. 

And after 10 minutes of deflation, Richard was back to normal. 

He silently put on his clothes again, watching Magnus with a different look than before, admiring his curves. Meanwhile, Magnus has focused again on completing Xander’s deflation.

Too big to fit in the car anymore, the four guys put the fattened-up Magnus’ in the back of the truck. Then they all sit in the car, without saying a single word. 

The silence wasn’t heavy or awkward: it was soothing and comforting. They now knew that this desire to grow themselves and others would unite them forever, and their mind were overstimulated by thinking about all the crazy inflation methods they would love to try with the help of Magnus.

They had to go looking for the next gainers: bodybuilders named James and Jay.

To be continued…


Jamey Anzell

Absolutely amazing chapter! Thank you!


I was just wondering when the next chapter for this story was coming out. Worth the wait, very much enjoyed it!