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A combination of Flint with Pink Azeztulite with the purpose of treating any signs of Loℵg-⊂19 remaining in your system.  

It might not be felt as strong if you used Loℵg-⊂19 Recovery Protocol on Gumroad, but I imagine this alchemy of crystals will target dimensions that maybe we won't ever discover using science as a tool and our understanding about the human body as a framework. So potentially a very useful field.

I think it's loopable but as always, listen to your body and system.


Singrid Irwen

Friend - this is wonderful, thank you. I wanted to ask - have you considered making something for victims of gaslighting abuse? Or perhaps you have worked on something like this in the past. It's very hard to regain your sense of reality after such things.

George C.

Thank You So Much. 🙏 With so many Amazing Fields, defeating/eradicating C19 and viruses/microorganisms in general, has become much more manageable.


Can the damage to body systems caused by Long covid be healed just by using this?


In the long run, most of them, very likely. But try to counter the damage caused with additional tools, practices, and life style.


It's not as powerful as the gumroad field, but it does everything the gumroad one does, right? With all the benefits? I can loop this one, but I can't loop gumroad one.


I created this because crystals tend to cover hidden dimensions that we usually aren't aware. So it's hard to say they both do the same thing. But yes, this one should be more loopable, on theory.