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Fear is a fundamental human emotion that arises in response to perceived danger or threat. It is a complex psychological state that can occur in the presence of a clearly threatening stimulus, or stimuli that is expected to happen in the future. Fear serves as a protective mechanism, alerting us to danger and preparing us to deal with it. It involves a sense of dread or apprehension about potential harm or danger.

When a person experiences fear, the body triggers a series of physiological changes known as the "fight-or-flight" response. This response, mediated by the sympathetic nervous system, includes an increased heart rate, faster breathing, tensing of muscles, and a surge of adrenaline and other stress hormones. These changes prepare the body to either confront or flee from the threat.

Beyond this immediate response, there is also a concept known as the "structural state of fear," where fear becomes a more constant. This baseline level of fear can significantly influence behavior and decision-making. When fear is no longer tied to immediate, tangible threats but is instead a persistent state, it can lead to chronic stress, anxiety, and avoidance behavior.

This can manifest as a general reluctance to take risks or try new experiences, leading to missed opportunities and a restricted sense of personal freedom. Over time, this can contribute to a cycle of fear where the lack of action or experience reinforces the fear itself, making it more difficult to break free from.

This ongoing state of fear can impact physical health as well. Chronic activation of the stress response system can lead to a range of health issues, including heart disease, sleep disturbances, digestive problems, and a weakened immune system. It can also have significant psychological effects, contributing to conditions like generalized anxiety disorder, phobias, or panic disorders.

Working in a similar way to 'Nightmare Washer' and 'Shame Washer', this energetic programming will dissolve the fears that linger inside you, damaging and preventing you from living to your best potential.

Use it 1 to 2 times a day. It can be very powerful. It's better to go slow on this one. Enjoy the process.



💯 💯 ♥️

George C.

Thank You So Much, Psychic University! 🙏 I let fear take a toll too many times in my life... Time to dissolve any unhealthy fears.


does "speed up physical changes" enhance efficacy of the washer, reverse, dissolver fields, etc?... initially considered it would be more applicable to aesthetic-oriented fields... but after re-visiting the description and reading about brute-forcing open the heart, it seems it would likely turbo-charge these as well?... perhaps a LOT for a delicate energy system and thus my query!... a big bouquet of gratitude for you and all of your offerings!... truly precious gifts!... thank you!


Also idea: you have fear and hatred covered, but current society is driven also by greed, jealousy and envy. If there was a field to address the latter three, especially one that would also address all related ancestral karma, that would be something.


42 likes 24 comments as of this post. Been really enjoying your work. Recently the washing ones like this. My belly feels so soft and plushy :)


This is very very strong with 2 rounds. Immediately noticeable are the lost opportunities, due in large part, to holding back when feeling ridiculously uncertain. Clearly it’s time to dissolve these very tired and outdated traits. Life is so beautiful when the vails of deception dissolve. You are a true genius PU. 🙏🦋💖🐬🐢🌴🌸