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Radiation damage in biological tissues occurs when ionizing radiation passes through and interacts with the cells. It primarily causes damage by two mechanisms: direct ionization of DNA and indirect effects via free radical generation.

Direct ionization can break DNA strands or damage nucleotides, which can lead to mutations, cancer, or cell death. The indirect effects arise from the ionization of water, which is abundant in cells, leading to the formation of free radicals. These free radicals are highly reactive and can damage various cellular components, including DNA, proteins, and cell membranes.

The severity of radiation damage in biological tissues depends on the dose and type of radiation, as well as the rate of exposure. A high dose over a short period can cause acute radiation syndrome with symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, and, in extreme cases, death. Lower doses over a longer period can increase the risk of cancer and cause other health issues.

This works on the mental and physical levels.

It will try its best to reverse anything that negatively affected you as a consequence of radiation exposure, of any kind.

2-3 times a day.



@Brian Sousa, thank you so much for your beautiful post. I really agree with you. And this loving group of people is growing. Very beautiful, I enjoy it. Apart from his amazing, unique, effective and powerful constructions, I find that Psychic University adds tremendous value by interacting with his users/subscribers and showing his passion, support and love in this. Thank you fellow subscribers for this here, for being here together. Thank you Psychic University for this blessing. I wish you, and everyone else, good luck forever. Love to all.


Thank you! If a had several of your reversal fields in a stack and added Arcturian Negentropy Chamber, would you place Arcturian Negentropy Chamber at the start or at the end of the stack?


This field feels really good. Hard to describe. Just awesome. Daily one. Thanks PU 💚


Just to be sure, does it not affect fields?


Hi, would this work for UV radiation and sun damage (eyes in particular, skin)?


This one works amazingly well, thanks PU🙏