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An allergy is an overreaction of the immune system to substances that are typically harmless to most people. These substances are called allergens.

When an allergic individual encounters an allergen, their immune system reacts as if it were a harmful pathogen, leading to a variety of annoying symptoms like sneezing, runny or stuffy nose, skin reactions like rashes, hives, or eczema, etc.  

This is a blend of crystals that have two different approaches to help you treat any allergic reaction you may have been facing.

Use as many times as you want.



Thank you for this also very helpful field. What is the difference between the two files?

Joe Wadsworth

Does this include food allergies such as wheat and peanuts? Thank you!


Yes but use both if you ever face this situation And consider going to a doctor or/and seeking additional physical medicine


Thank you for creating this, PU! I suffer from environmental allergies and also when I drink wine. Will this help with alcohol allergies also? ie tannins, histamines etc


PU, do you have an email address we can contact you on?

Say Hien

Does this help with dust mites?

George C.

Do these have HGF included? Thank You! 🙏