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Testing the new shop function here on Patreon.

The file is free for patrons.


(No title)



Wow, what a timely and helpful field PU. Always grateful. 🙏🏽


No wayyyy. You did it. You are a Morphic boss. Thank you so much again! And that this one is free for Patrons. By the way, also thanks for the Lessons from the divine. Amzing field...

ABC (edited)

Comment edits

2023-10-04 16:16:45 Grateful for this, PU! thank you
2023-10-04 16:16:45 Grateful for this, PU! thank you
2023-10-02 04:54:47 Grateful for this, PU! thank you

Grateful for this, PU! thank you


This field has definitely already helped me take away a negative feeling toward money. I also note that the fear of lack has almost disappeared. Spending feels fearless now. Love it! I am very grateful to you....