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Self-sabotaging behaviors are actions or thought patterns that prevent you from doing what you want or achieving your goals. They often stem from deeper psychological issues, such as low self-esteem, fear of failure, or underlying stress and anxiety. Recognizing these behaviors is the first step toward overcoming them. Some common examples include:

  • Procrastination: Delaying tasks and responsibilities.

  • Perfectionism: Setting unattainable high standards.

  • Fear of Failure: Avoiding risks to prevent failure.

  • Negative Self-Talk: Criticizing oneself excessively.

  • Avoiding Challenges: Staying in the comfort zone and not trying new things.

Stopping self-sabotage is one of the core foundations to unleashing your full potential. It boosts self-confidence, improves decision-making, unlocks creativity, builds resilience, and enhances relationships.

Just imagine the amount of interesting things you could be doing if you had no limitations. Imagine the huge difference in your life in the scenario where you did everything you wanted, compared to years of being hostage of patterns like these.

This field helps with the part of stopping the patterns, but also helps you explore your full potential. So 2 in 1. There are very complex programming on both parts.

But remember, overcoming self-sabotage is a gradual process. Be kind to yourself, seek support when needed, and celebrate victories along the way. This last part is really important. And don't ever give up.

Also, be patient and give time to certain things. Appreciate the journey and try to learn what you can in the times of limitations and struggle. Your true potential will shine as you overcome these internal obstacles.

I made it a bit powerful, so go very slow. It rewires your brain directly, so 2 loops maximum a day. Active interaction with the field is best, as always. But specially for this one.

A big thank you to Matteo for the suggestion.


Barry Saey

I cannot wait to find the room on my playlist to add this life-changing field within the next week or so. Same with the 2 released before this. Thank you, PU!