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Cynicism is a poison that infects the very core of our existence. It is a dark cloud that casts its oppressive shadow upon the pure and genuine essence of human nature. Those who embody cynicism are trapped in a relentless cycle of skepticism and mistrust, forever questioning the sincerity of others.

Cynicism knows no bounds. Infiltrating and fracturing relationships with reckless abandon, it spreads like wildfire, fueled by the embers of hurt and disappointment. Once kindled, it transforms trust into distrust and adorns our hearts with an impenetrable armor of skepticism. This corrosive mindset, inseparable from feelings of despair, ensnares our very souls, extinguishing the light of hope that once burned fervently within us.

It is a tragedy that cynics view the world through tainted lenses, unable to perceive the noble motivations and selflessness that can define the human spirit. Instead, they are consumed by a belief that people are merely driven by self-interest, devoid of any honorable or unselfish intentions. This revelation paints a bleak portrait of humanity, shattering the fragile trust we hold in one another.

In the depths of cynicism, a bleak truth emerges - the fact that our very health is at stake. Research published in the hallowed Archives of Internal Medicine reveals a disturbing correlation between cynicism and detrimental health habits. Those who harbor cynicism are more prone to being obese, a gateway to cardiovascular diseases and many other diseases. There are also links to cancer, dementia, and depression.

Cynicism is not confined to mere emotions, for it is an all-encompassing ideology that poisons the very basis of our society. It is a chilling reminder that individuals may only feign concern for one another, exploiting the tender emotions of their fellow beings for their own gain. This revelation gnaws at the foundation of our collective existence, leaving us adrift in a sea of disillusionment and doubt.

Life has molded us into unyielding beings, transforming us into individuals who scoff at the purity of confidence and optimism, perceiving them as silly and juvenile. We find solace in the realms of cynicism and nihilism, proclaiming our supposed superiority and intelligence by doing so. However, do not be fooled into thinking that this stance bears the fruits of profound wisdom, for it is merely a flaw in our human perception, clouding our souls with discontentment and robbing us of the ability to truly appreciate the beauty and goodness that exists amidst the darkness. It is a tragic state, truly, when we allow ourselves to be blinded by the negative, refusing to let joy and positivity weave their enchanting tapestry into our lives. Let us cast away this shroud of cynicism and embrace the light that dances within us. Open your eyes to the wonders that surround you, for even in the bleakest of moments, there are still fragments of splendor waiting to be cherished. Do not let life's trials tarnish your innate ability to revel in what is truly magnificent. Let us not be swayed by the enticing allure of cynicism, for it is nothing more than a prison that confines us to a realm of distrust and despair. Instead, let us embrace the undying flame of compassion and empathy, forging a path that transcends the limitations of cynicism.

Rise above, and bask in the radiance of all that is beautiful and good, for it is within our grasp, despite the shadows that may attempt to obscure it.



What a beautiful and thoughtful post, PU! This field is a gem. The world needs this spread far and wide. The level of cynism is at an all-time high in our society. I used to be extremely cynical but thanks to some high-vibration people that came into my life I was able to see the negative effects of it. It does come up from time to time and I have to be very aware of it. I see it a lot in my daily life with family and friends. It destroys the spirit of self and others. Will be playing this + Sapien's Love Gravitational field when out in public to help humanity. We need this. Thank you, PU!! ❤️

or elbaz

Thank you !!!!!


Oh mannn so good! Really needed. Thank you!


Good results with this too! Much more positive perspective developed in general. 👌Thank you so much!