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The feeling of injustice is something that can linger for a long time and negatively affect our emotional well-being. It can lead to a range of negative emotions, such as resentment, bitterness, and anger. These feelings can consume us, cloud our judgment, and impair our ability to enjoy life. 

They can also strain our relationships, as we may tend to blame others for our perceived unfair treatment.

In more severe cases, injustice can change how one perceives the relationship between events and manifestation in general, which could result in decreased faith. When this faith is eroded, it can leave individuals feeling disillusioned and cynical. The belief that no matter what they do, the results will always be unfavorable, can be deeply ingrained. 

This may lead to a decline in motivation to pursue goals or make positive changes, as the person may feel that these efforts will ultimately be fruitless.

Sometimes we even feel the Universe/God isn't being fair with us, which, as you can imagine, can make everything much worse and put us on spirals of negative patterns until we realize the truth.

It's time to release all the bad stuff that injustice installed into your being. 

Use as many times as you want.



I hope this is the first release of a new series of the healing and release of the 5 wounds: Rejection Abandonment Injustice Betrayal Humiliation


The music accompanying the effects of this vital field 😍 Could not stop looping, and each time brings me lighter inner self, both feelings and mental shift. Thank you so much for this.


Good one ❤️


This field also definitely helps me to be more confident, to look at myself and not feel self-pity. It has helped me see that I am responsible for my life. I either allow it or I don't. I get to choose.


it was like electric shock !!