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This field makes your Higher Self shoot uplifting and positive messages directly to your subconscious. Each user should receive very personalized messages, but all with the main purpose of uplifiting your spirit and help you with mood and morale.

Maybe what you need the most in the moment is just to hear something that no one will ever say to you. Words of love and understanding, but precisely the right words. We tend to filter much of what people say to us. But you Higher Self can definitely do it for you, and we will definitely listen to it with all our being.

This can be looped and it's a very good idea to do so.

In my opinion, one of my best creations and in the list of the most valuable ones.

I put this one on the 5$ tier because it's a very important field. Enjoy.



Wow.. My ego made me think a little skeptically about this audio. Offcourse! Yet I consciously, who always makes the right choices, started using it. I received beautiful motivational and very loving messages from my higher self.... 💜 What a particularly beautiful field... thank you PU 💚


Great 😊🎨🌌🌈✨