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Mental laziness can be characterized by a reluctance to engage in cognitively demanding tasks, such as learning new information, thinking critically, or planning and organizing. Instead, individuals may prefer to rely on preconceptions or familiar patterns of thought, even when these may be less effective or efficient.

Mental laziness also can manifest in a tendency to rely on intuition or gut feelings instead of taking the time to analyze information and make logical decisions.

Additionally, it can be characterized by a lack of  curiosity, a resistance to new ideas, and a lack of interest in personal  growth and development.

The idea behind this file is to help you evolve from this state toward something where you will find yourself having better focus, motivation, and cognitive flexibility, and procrastinating less.

Up to 2 times since it rewires the brain (this is a general idea for brain-rewiring files)



This is working so well for my productivity levels had to double check why I was able to knock out a lot of school assignments and a project all in the same night lol. Thank you PU


This is a field that I use regularly together with the multi-tasking one. It gets me super focused at the work Im doing.