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Intrusive thoughts are unwanted thoughts, images, impulses, or urges that can occur spontaneously or that can be cued by external/internal stimuli.
Typically, these thoughts are distressing and tend to reoccur. They are predominantly associated with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, but they are often seen amongst the symptoms of other anxiety disorders. Common themes of intrusive thoughts include (but are not limited to): harm/violence, sexuality/sexual behaviors, religion, and making mistakes/causing accidents. Such themes generally provoke emotional distress, particularly when they are perceived as being out-of-character or against the person’s respective values. 

Intrusive thoughts often elicit feelings of guilt, shame, embarrassment, and/or fear. Consequently, many people are hesitant to reveal or disclose their intrusions to others. However, intrusive thoughts are far more common than typically believed. Intrusive thoughts are not unique to people who are struggling with a mental health concern(s). They are also experienced by individuals who do not routinely struggle with anxiety.  In fact, research has found that over 90% of the population experiences intrusive thoughts (Abramowitz, Deacon, & Whiteside, 2011).


This field will dissolve your intrusive thoughts, starting from the strongest ones, and help you disconnect from them permanently.

Can be heavy on the head, so up to 2 times.

Good combinations with:

- White Onyx (From the Crystal Pack 1)
- Rhodonite + Coprolite (Brain Health and Improvement Crystal Alchemy)
- Mental & Psychological Health Treatment

But since we're talking about brain fields, space them accordingly not to stress your brain too much.



This is a life-saver. I know it is partially included in the Sovereignty super-field but as a standalone field it is supereffective. Do not know how or why but I easily go with more loops than recommended, this just comes from personal experience.

George C.

Some days I have loads of intrusive thoughts (nowadays less so), and horrible too (I won't go into the dark details of what stuff passes through my mind), so I will definitely use this field, especially when needed. Thank You.