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An attempt to help our little buddies with general healing and health maintenance. 

Very aggressive on infections. Use it at least twice if this is the case for your pet, otherwise, once is enough.

Buying high quality pet food containing vegetables is a very good idea to fuel the healing to deeper levels

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I signed up for your monthly membership just now . I am new to your channel . My cat has kidney and urinary tract infection for sometime now. I have taken her several times to the veterinarian to get treated but antibiotics have not worked . I did this Arcturian Pet healing chamber 2x in a row just now . Is this sufficient or do I need to do more days —how many days —once or 2x in a row in a day ? Please let me know . She is uncomfortable. Thank you for your time —I am very grateful .


Thank you for responding back---I am grateful. So I do the Arcturian Pet Healing Chanber 2x in a row a day and then right after play The End of Pathogens series (mainly bacteria one) for 2 weeks also?


Thank you, PU!! Will this help with surgeries, organ issues, tumors, broken bones, eyes, ears etc? 😁


Hi PU! Are we able to infuse fields into food and drinks by playing the field next to them?