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Over time, chronic, unmanaged stress can create problems with our emotional and physical health, leading to issues like depression, anxiety, heart disease, diabetes, weight gain, and rapid aging, and can impact your ability to be your best at work.

You can say stress is the villain of the century

This is designed to reverse, over time, all the negative effects that stress caused in your body and system. 

I put a slight focus on reversing the rapid aging part.

Maybe not a good idea to use it more than 3~4 times.



I am curious PU, what effects could occur if used more than 3-4 times? I just played it a second time, and it definitely was stronger in in a good way, in that it left me feeling more of my original Self strength and highlighted my resilience.


If you use more, the effects get stronger, but it can stress your energy system a bit more. This is why I recommend 3 to 5 times usually.


Thank you, as two times was more than enough for me today. 😆