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A file designed to give your brain and mind an invigorating range of effects. Great against brainfog, headaches, mental sluggishness, overthinking, bureaucratic thinking etc.

The effects can go beyond that, but more on the subjective side

(you may feel the need to eat something after using it)

Not designed to loop or listen too much in a row



If we picked up the Astrological Intelligence Buff, would you also recommend this (and/or other Patreon brain tracks) and, if so, how would you recommend using them in conjunction?


Yes definitely. Their combination is very good. Just use them, no special infomation is needed beyond this :)


I must say this is my first time playing this and after one listen my whole brain is pulsing with goodness feeling like my mind just become quiet yet alert also feels like my range of view with my eyes has expanded. Woah after second listen I noticed my brain has lowered the frequency of thoughts and I kinda just want to stare at my wall lol. This is seriously awesome can't believe I never used this thank you PU.❤️