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Egregores are understood within esoteric traditions to be non-physical entities that emerge when a community, society, or any group of individuals share common goals, beliefs, or fears. They can be viewed as a psychic manifestation of collective consciousness, which can influence members of the group both positively and negatively. As such, egregores can wield substantial power, shaping perceptions, feelings, and behaviors of their contributors and adherents.

As we go on with our lives, the links with these egregores can still linger and have effects on us, often in ways that we are not immediately conscious of. The tendrils of their influence can extend deep into our psyche, affecting our decisions, our emotional health, and our perceptions of the world around us. Over time, these influences can solidify into patterns that repeatedly draw us back into alignment with the egregore’s energy, regardless of whether it serves our highest good or not.

Egregores function somewhat like magnets, pulling us towards thoughts, emotions, and actions that resonate with the collective energy of the group. For example, an egregore formed around a cultural or family tradition may influence individuals to conform to certain behaviors or beliefs, even if these do not align with their personal growth or current societal contexts. Similarly, egregores built around corporations, political movements, or online communities can subtly influence individual actions and mindsets, promoting a homogeneous way of thinking that may be difficult to question or escape.

Breaking free from the grip of negative egregores opens up a pathway to ultimate freedom. It allows you to live more fully in alignment with your true self, rather than the imposed will of a collective. This freedom not only benefits you but can also contribute to the creation of new, healthier collective energies and egregores that are more in tune with the evolving consciousness of humanity. Said effect isn't negligible and can create a better future for all of us.

The field will start a journey of disconnection that begins in your birth, and continues to the present day.

My suggestion is to use it up to 3 times a day.




powerful field and will be so beneficial for so many!... i quickly had a headache with listening... definitely wise to always respect the use recommendation and the experience!... thank you!


Thankyou again PU this and electro magnetic sensitivity really by far helps me get rid of everything negative

Kenneth Bramhall

My left ear has felt like something was lodged in it in an energetic way for a year now. Every once in awhile it partially clears up but feels clogged again shortly after. Listening to this three times cleared it more than I've ever felt it clear before since it first felt like that.