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Continuing my series of Equestria related MLP architecture drawings Link and another in my Gen 5 series of locations. This time it's Sunny's Smoothie Shack. Earth Pony/ Blazing Beam Link will be creating laser etched wood panels of this image that should be available at both EFNW 2023 or through his Etsy store. Link  



Dark Forge

You know, I think G5 is starting to get better. The first few episodes where not very impressive but, well, the most recent ones show promise.


I really like that you included Sunny herself along with the location for this one. Makes it feel less lonely than the other location-themed pieces you’ve done.


Well many of the other locations were larger structures that could stand on their own. The trailer/shack didn't feel that way. Also there was a subtle reason I didn't usually show any ponies in the pieces. It meant you could often display the pieces in areas that were not friendly to the idea of Kids Show stuff.


Ok. I'll admit it - Im weird. But the thing on top of her little trailer looks a lot like a gun turret from the Maginot line ;)