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Gilda lifted her head and looks over her shoulder. She stared at the newcomer for a moment before speaking.

     "Yeah. What's on your mind? Something has apparently caught your attention!"

     A moment from my Anthro MLP dreamscape as time has gone on Gilda has grown to trust Rarity's knowledge and expertise when comes to fashion consulting and bringing her ideas and plans to fruition. Rarity does top notch stuff. 




Wow, now that is one very hot griffin


Now that is quite the alluring ensemble—and an even more alluring model to wear it.



Bernard Doove

Just when I think she couldn't look sexier....


Stupid nerd numbers: The largest flight-capable bird is the Great Bustard. Males weigh up to 45lbs, 9ft wingspan with a wing chord of 2.5ft. They stand 3ft high, and also have the highest wing-loading (pounds carried per square foot of wing) of any flight-capable bird. Obviously they're not soaring birds like eagles; their flight is relatively short distances. Okay, let's scale up. 1.5x as tall. Square-cube. Weight is now 1.5^3 = 3.375x heavier (cube of the scaling, height-weight-depth). So call it 150lbs (not unreasonable, given the mass of the wings themselves, the musculature, etc.). Wing area (span X chord) goes up as the square, not cube, however. So we need to make the wings disproportionately bigger. To get the dimensions, get the square root of 3.375 (about 1.8) then multiply span and chord. Therefore, a 150lb bustard would, all else being equal, require a wingspan of 1.8 x 9ft = about 16ft, and a chord of 1.8 x 2.5ft, or about 4.5ft. Call it 72 square feet. However, Gilda's wing aspect ratio is more slender. It looks like she'd have a span of about 20' but a chord of about 2'. Call it 40 square feet. Wing loading would be on the absolute most ragged edge of possibility for self-powered flight. Could a scantily-clad Gilda fly? If she were about 5ft tall with about a 17-18ft wingspan with muscles that were awesomely powerful for their weight (and one hell of a chest keel bone to attach them to), for short distances... probably? Expending that kind of energy dumps a lot of heat, so anything over the shorted of flappy-sprints is going to be very physically taxing, much like a cheetah's sprint. Using a cheetah for reference, which has similar very short duration extreme capabilities and sprints of at most 30 seconds, Gilda could probably muster about the same amount of full-powered flight time before starting to cook from the inside out and having to take an extended rest/heat dump. Estimates of a bustard's glide ratio range from 1:5 to 1:10 (compare to an eagle's 1:25 and an albatross' 1:30). Basically the glide path of a brick. For comparison, a Cessna 172 has a glide ratio of about 1:10, and most modern commercial airliners about 1:17. A modern "wing suit" has a brick-ratio of 2:1, and Yves Rossey's "Jetman" rig about 3:1. I'm going to guess Gilda could not soar, and would have a glide ratio of at best 5:1. Our reference bird, the great bustard, nonetheless is capable of long flights. Its annual migrations are up to 1300 miles north-south. That said, given Gilda's likely inability to soar, much lower glide ratio, and heating issues when under powered flight, she is likely to need to need a car or plane ticket to migrate, much like the Great Northeastern Snowbird. For anything but the shortest flights, either magic augmentation, a tow, a strap-on engine or a good hard waifu-toss would be needed. The bikini would have to be lost for best aerodynamics and weight savings. That's science. While Skybrush may land like a brick, Gilda would fly like one.


Thank goodness this is a magical land populated by things like talking ponies.


The Season 5 episode: The Lost Treasure of Griffonstone did a fair bit to rehab the character for me. Especially since I found out that she grew up in effectively a failed nation state. Still rough and abrasive, but redeemable.

Jaroslav Pešek

In our world yeah. But their planet has probly very strong electromagnetic field and they evolved or were evolved to harnes it. Alone the planet wouldn't have such strong field, but in combination with moon it could. That's probably why Luna is targeted. By removing Luna and her moon from equation, inhabitants of the planet would loose their magic and ability to defend themselves.