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Hello. You may have noticed I haven't posted as much in the last week. This is due to a couple things. First I have a very large color commission that is ramping up and is taken most of my time.

   However, at the start of this week also got my second Shingles vaccine shot and oh boy does it pack a wallop! Still glad I got it because getting Shingles is even worse, but for most of yesterday and all of today I've been one big mass of aches and pains with zero energy.

    Now when I am sick it can effective my sleep and dreams. Often I'll have dreams where I am also sick in the dream. That's what happened last night in my Anthro MLP dreamscape. At least the Mane SIx and Celestia were trying to help with varying degrees of success.  




At least all the girls are looking out for you! Hope you start feeling back to normal soon. :-)


Well HELLOOoooo Nurses!


Having had shingles... I would certainly wish it on my worst enemies. Being tired is _nothing_ compared to shingles. Get the vax like Baron did, people, and stop using "I'll need to rest for a couple of days" as an excuse to be a snowflake.


Could not agree more. The nurse chuckled when I asked if it was going to be as bad or worse as the first. “Dear, did you get sick from the first COVID shot? Yes? It’s like that an possibly a lil worse so hope you’re going home after this.” She was not kidding but I’ll take that over shingles any day.


Yeah I don't feel great but it beats the heck out of getting Shingles. Beside talking to the pharmacist he said the fact I've had Chicken Pox twice in my life. Once as kid and then as an adult made me a prime candidate for Shingles. So yesterday I took a step toward avoiding that fate.


I had shingles when inexplicably young (17 I think?) and mercifully it got caught within two days, but even fully treated shingles with minimal time for it to get worse was thoroughly painful for weeks and left me with residual nerve pain for a year or two afterwards. I heartily recommend a vaccine instead.


I'm surprised Luna didn't get in on it.