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Rarity casually flexed and bent the riding crop in her hands then she looked back down at her waiting special guest. 

     "Darling. It's Mistress Rarity for you! Please don't forget that in the future dear. Things will go much better for you." 

     A patron reward for J. McDermott.  He appreciates the sight of Rarity in black leather. 




I mean, er, yes Mistress Rarity!

Silent Kosmos

┐(-_-)┌ My reaction to this would be: Yeah, no! Fuck that! And after that, to turn around and leave. Also, an encounter like this sure would make things really awkward afterwards!

Royce Day

Don't we all...


Well she wouldn't invite someone to something like this unless they were interested in it.

J. McDermott

Oh my word! You did a wonderful job with this, thank you so much for the indulgence! And yes, I'll cop to that. XD


Oh wow. Yes, Mistress Rarity!

Silent Kosmos

That makes sense. It really would be a shame if things got weird due to some misunderstanding.