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A tingling sensation in Celestia's horn roused the princess from her slumber in my Equestria dreamscape.

     It was a feeling she was very familiar with; she'd felt it for over a thousand years. It was the magical connection to the celestial body that was the physical symbol of her office. It was reminding her that she needed to oversee the raising of the morning sun.

     Normally the Princess of the Sun would at this point rise from her bed and start her day, but for several reasons she was slow to do that this morning.

     1. It was Sunday and that was Celestia's day off.

     2. As the alicorn slowly opened her eyes she could see that the floor in this dimly lit room had a layer of drained beer, bourbon, rum, and champagne bottles with empty pizza boxes scattered amongst now consumed packages of cookies, cakes, and pretzels. It was this collection of refuse that was contributing to her fuzzy head, cotton mouth, and her somewhat upset stomach.

     3. Another factor contributing to her upset stomach was the sleeping mare sprawled across her chest. Celestia looks down at Heartbreaker and in spite of her sore belly she couldn't help but smile. It had been far too long since she'd had an evening like last night, and the slight hangover and upset tummy was a fair price for the fun her and the mare had enjoyed. Link 

     Without rising from her place on the cushions the pale alicorn closed her eyes and a glow slowly grew around her horn and body bathing the dimly lit room in golden light. This glow continued for several seconds then faded away; with her duties completed Celestia let unconsciousness take her again.

     When Celestia opened her eyes again the clock on the mantlepiece was chiming 10am. The princess felt like sleeping some more, but her now very, very, full bladder protested this idea. So a bathroom visit next up on the morning itinerary.

     Besides in the last few hours Heartbreaker had slid off the barrel of her chest and was now snoring in a heap amongst the field of pillows and cushions that were strewn across the living room floor of the Scale Bearer's rented bungalow. So with as much grace as she could muster Celestia rose and took care of business. While in the bathroom she chewed on a dozen or so Foalsmane leaves and washed it down with a liter or so of water.

     Celestia returned to the living room and snuggled up against Heartbreaker again. Sleep was just beginning to take her when she heard the doorbell ring, and then ring again. Followed by several raps on the door. Since Heartbreaker wasn't stirring, and the princess's visit was suppose to be a secret the alicorn did not get up herself and answer it. Whoever it was would just have to come back later.

     After a few seconds of silence it seemed like the visitor had finally departed, but as Celestia started to once again doze off she heard another sound. A very distinctive and unique that demanded immediate attention. The sound of a lock being picked. With her Scale Bearer apparently out of commission at the moment the CoRuler of Equestria slowly got up again and went to investigate this unknown visitor.

To be continued.




This one is heartwarming for all the right reasons. It's moments like these where I can greatly appreciate someone who can give extra life, with both art and word, to a character that nobody considered. And even without the tale this picture, literally, needs no real explanation and it speaks for itself. As to the unknown guest I certainly hope they have a very good reason for what they're doing. Otherwise they're about to get a crash course in royal etiquette whether they wish it or not.


Whoever is trying to break in is in for a really RUDE surprise.