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Fluttershy had just confirmed my suspicions that Rainbow Dash was probably developing strong feelings for me in Equestria dreamscape. At this point I really felt like going for a flight. However I was RD official witness for the competition and the rules forbid me from leaving the stadium without permission from the staff. I was pretty certain just needing to stretch my wings would not qualify for a reason to be allowed to leave. Besides Petina and Carousel would be arriving soon, so I hung around the front entrance and waited for them.

      Soon I saw my two roommates come strolling into the stadium; both of them were wearing casual but stylish outfits for the days event. Petina had a garment bag draped across her back; she was also levitating a paper bag of some sort and a paper cup. Upon spotting me they moseyed on over. Petina smiled and started levitating items my way.

      “You know Brick we are going to be sitting in the Reserved Box section today, this is not a black tie event but you should be wearing the outfit we packed for this occasion. Also since you tore out of our hotel room in such a hurry this morning I'm guessing you haven't had any breakfast. So Carousel and I got you a couple donuts and coffee on our way over.”

      Carousel was looking at me with a concerned expression in her eyes. “Sky Brush are you okay? You look like something bothering you?”

      I nodded my head. “Thanks for remembering my outfit and you mares are right I haven't eaten yet today. Let me change into my suit and then I'll fill you two in on what happened this morning.”

      A few minutes later I emerged from one of the stallions restrooms in the same out I had worn for the Service to the Crown Day parade. Then over the next fifteen minutes or so I briefed them on the events of the morning.

       “So now it appears despite her knowing that I am in a relationship with both of you. RD is seriously considering a relationship with me! I don't know if she thinks she's going to take me away from you two, or if she's thinking of joining our merry little herd!”

      Carousel looked concerned while Petina stood there with her eyes closed as she seemed to be weighing all the variables and ramifications. Finally she opened her eyes.

      “Yes Brick. This could be a problem.” She stated with a serious tone in her voice. “We're all going to have to be very careful how we handle this scenario, and it does raise some other questions that will require addressing.”

      “Such as?” I asked.

      Petina smiled. “Well I'm not certain we can get a bigger bed in out bedroom, but our current bed is not really large enough for four ponies to sleep in it all the time! That will need to be addressed!”

      It was only with great effort that I resisted the urge to toss Petina off the edge of Cloudsdale. “That I think is the least of our concerns right now.” I said through clenched teeth.

      Petina waved a dismissive hoof. “Oh folks always think that way, but trust me; it has been my experience that little things like this can ruin a relationship in the long run. I can't remember does Dash snore a lot?”

      Once again images of the white unicorn mare sailing off the edge of a cloud and plummeting to the ground danced in my mind. Pushing them aside I tried to focus on more constructive thoughts and actions.

      “Petina aren't you putting the cart in front of the pony?” Asked the more sensible and at the moment adorable Carousel. “I think until we have had a chance to talk to her this is all speculation. You may be correct Sky Brush and Rainbow Dash might be starting to have real feelings for you, but let's not be hasty. I think we should just enjoy the competition and cheer her on as best we can! I mean that's why we've been helping her for the last few months right?”

      From further inside the stadium I heard a flourish of trumpets announcing the arrival of the Royal Sisters to their box and the beginning of the competition.

      I sighed. “You're probably right. Let's get to our seats and we'll sort things out after the show. However if I get a chance I'll stop by Dash's dressing room to wish her good luck one more time.”

We followed a corridor that led to the interior of the stadium. We were about to step into the stadium proper when Petina spied an older pegasus standing off to one side of the corridor talking with another younger stallion. It was obvious that the two ponies were conducting some kind of transaction and as I watched the younger stallion passed a small coin purse to the older stallion. The older stallion turned and handed the purse to one of two very large pegasus stallions who were obviously escorting the older pony. The bodyguard stallion put the coin purse in one of his panniers and then withdrew a ledger from another compartment. He passed the ledger to the older pony who made some notations and then tore a stub from the page and handed it to the other pony.

      Petina stopped us. “Hold up guys I have some business investing to do!” She then trotted over to the old stallion and with big smile on her face began talking to him. I couldn't hear what their conversation was but at one point the stallion looked incredulously at her and then laughed. Further discussion followed but eventually the old stallion smiled and reached for the ledger again. He wrote something in it and then looked at Petina. The white mare opened her purse and levitated a large coin bag over to him. The stallion checked the contents and appeared to ask Petina one last question. She nodded her head and the stallion tore another stub from the ledger and passed it her. With the stub safely stowed in her purse Petina came trotting back.

      “Well, that's all taken care of! Let's find our seats the fun is already starting!” She exclaimed.

      Carousel looked at her. “Did you place a bet on today's competition?”

      Petina looked back as she trotted down the corridor. “I like to think of it as investing to optimize the maximum financial return from what has been so far a purely speculative enterprise!”

      Stepping out into the corridor we were suddenly bathed in sunlight and a riot of colors. Thousands of ponies created a kaleidoscope of shifting colors and hundreds of brilliant flags and pennants swayed in the morning breeze. Every section had a small army of ushers who would escorted attendees to their seats or boxes. We had purchased our seats in the reserved box section months ago. The reserved box section had much nicer seats, and a better view than the regular stadium seating. They were expensive but not too extravagant.

     Marching up to an usher we presented our tickets. He checked the numbers and then started to leading us toward our seats when he suddenly stopped and then looked back at us.

     “Excuse me.” He said. “But I need to look at your tickets again.”

To be continued.




Petina hasn't said, but I'd be tempted to name that bookie pony "Long Odds".