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Uh oh! It's that time of the year. The Filly Scouts are selling cookies, and the CMC are pounding the streets of Ponyville looking for sales. 

     Scootaloo appears to be trying wow potential customers with her cool moves. Sweetie Belle seems to be trying the professional sales angle, and Applebloom appears to have been sampling their wares all evening and needs to stop eating so many cookies.

    Tomorrow night 10/3/20 starting at 5:30pm Pacific I'll be streaming on Picarto.




Smashed all the macaroons. Buy these yucky tasting oatmeal mint ghost pepper cookies...please? Buy these before I eat them all and get a big arse!


These are the weeks all Ponyvillians dread. The three riders of the apocalypse invariably find any poor soul wandering the streets of the town with any money on their person. No being is safe, and none can resist the plaintive wails of these fillies. All must learn to live without money but with Snickerdoodles for the duration of the sales drive.


Snickerdoodles are Applebloom's favorite! In fact she kind of smells like them.