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More development art for the series of pictures I want to do that I will

label under the "John Canter of Mares" series. The first piece I want

to do feature Big Macintosh as the reluctant earthpony barbarian warrior

and Miss Cheerilee battling diamond dogs. Classic loincloth barbarian


Little design thing. I am imagining that the diamond dogs

like to jump on the backs of ponies to pin them to the ground, and bite

them in the neck if they decide to kill the pony. that is why Big Mac

is wearing the spiked saddle and has the heavy collar.



Eric Hinkle

Please for the love of Heaven tell me you'll be selling prints of the John Canter art at FC in a few weeks. Or online. Because I would buy every single one.

Eric Hinkle

And I REALLY want to see the Frazetta version of Cheerilee!


Nice. This will make a really good story.


One does not simply climb on Big Mac!