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The crowd of ponies who had gathered at Promontory Park to see Celestia and Luna perform their vows of office was beginning to disperse in my Equestria dreamscape. Couples, families and groups of friends began to leave the park and either to go home or head off to parties or other gatherings happening throughout the city. Tonight was the grand finale to Service to the Crown Day. Tomorrow Canterlot would once again return to being the somewhat stuffy Capitol of Equestria but tonight it was one big party.

    As the crowd slowly vacated the park a lone unicorn stallion slowly sauntered away from the crowds toward a stand of oak trees. Fancy Pants stepped into the deep shadows of the oaks and stood there for a moment or two then he spoke.

    “I do say. I think that went better than I could’ve hoped for!” Said the white unicorn. “I believe this night will be very therapeutic for our Princess Luna. Would you agree?”

     A match burst into flames illuminating an older, portly unicorn stallion. The stallion took a moment to light his cigar before responding.

    “Yeah, but now we need to keep the momentum up!” Iron Forge slowly strolled over and stood alongside Fancy Pants as he looked out at the fireworks still bursting over the capitol. The rust-red stallion took a long pull from his cigar before he continued speaking.

    “It’s true that getting a train moving is often the hardest part, but we need to build upon this success we’ve had tonight. I think we’ll have our best success with appealing to the general population of Canterlot. Start building her foundation there. Unfortunately most the wallflowers of Canterlot’s elite have the attention span of a fruit fly!”

    Iron Forge took another pull from his cigar and continued to watch the evening sky, against the curtain of stars he saw a silhouette approaching. The old stallion blew out a large cloud tobacco smoke and grunted.

    “About time he showed up!”

    Captain Firewing swooped down and cupped his wings as he made a textbook landing in front of Fancy Pants and Iron Forge. His hoofs made almost no noise as he settled to the ground. The captain nodded at the two stallions.

    “Evening gentlestallions.” Said the pegasus. “Our beloved Princess Luna is currently holding court this evening in the Grand Square. At the moment she seems to be conducting a comprehensive assessment of the local tavern’s cellar, and is familiarizing herself with all the current drinking songs referring to certain parts of her sister’s anatomy.”

    Fancy Pants chuckled. “Well if nothing else I think we safely say that our beloved Luna is getting a much needed evening to unwind. Wouldn’t you agree Fleur dear?”

    “Yes darling, I’d say you’re correct.” The gleaming white unicorn mare had suddenly appeared out of the shadows alongside Iron Forge causing the stallion to leap back a step.

    “Gah!” Exclaimed the old stallion. “Sun and moon! Fleur I wish you’d stop don’t that! I’m positive you can teleport! I don’t care what other ponies say! How long have you been here?”

    Fleur slowly strolled over and nuzzled Fancy Pants for a moment; then she looked back at Iron Forge. “Oh! I was here before you arrived Iron dear!” The mare shot the old stallion a two hundred volt smile. “I guess it is just a talent I have.”

    Iron Forge shook his head. “I just don’t get it. How a mare as stunning as you can just disappear and reappear like that.” Old stallion chewed on his cigar. “It ain’t natural!”

    Fleur laughed and tossed her pale lilac mane. “A mare has her secrets my gruff friend. I’ve spent the afternoon mingling with various social groups dear and I’ve come away with some rather interesting information.”

    “Oh? How so dear?” Fancy Pants raised an eyebrow. “Do tell!”

   “Well, not too surprising there was quite a bit of talk about the two Apple sisters acting as part of the Royal Sisters mares-in-waiting. As you all know it is a very prestigious honor to have bestowed upon any mare for this event, and many of Canterlot’s most ancient houses strive to have the honor at least once a generation. So when the Sisters suddenly choose two earth ponies from Ponyville it created a lot of bad feelings. Many feel slighted by what they perceive as these two out of town ponies jumping the queue. Never mind that one is a Bearer of the Elements of Harmony and the other is now Luna’s personal student.”

    Fancy Pants nodded his head. “Your experience today is very much what I observed last night before the banquet, and the buffoons had the audacity to be saying most scandalous gossip within earshot of the Royal Sisters. I’m not certain how much she heard, but I know Luna heard some of it. The sheer scope of their slanderous babble was positively infuriating!”

    “Yes dear but here’s part that I found of great interest.” The mare played her mane for a second then continued. “Apparently some of houses are starting to pay more attention to the Apple family. For too long many of Canterlot’s elite have dismissed the Apple’s as being nothing more than successful farm and mercantile earth pony clan with roots throughout the kingdom.”

    “However now they realize that within span of less than two years this clan has gained the honor of being one of the legendary defenders of the Crown and having one of their own being groomed for a position as a minister to one of the Royal Sisters. Now all of the sudden some of the brighter ones are realizing that combined with the Apple clan’s extensive network of connections throughout Equestria and suddenly this large family has the ears of possibly both of the Royal Sisters. And they didn’t see it coming!”

    Iron Forge snorted a laugh. “Ha! Serves them right! Maybe if they’d spent just a little bit of time actually learning how kingdom works and did something for its benefit then they might have not found themselves stranded on the platform as train rolled away!”

    Fleur nodded her head in agreement. “True however they are now trying inhibit or at least find a lever to control this growing influence.”

    “One school is trying to question Luna’s wisdom of choosing such an earth pony filly and young one at that to be her supposed assistant in the Realm of Dreams. No other pony has ever been able to directly assisted Luna in these duties the way Applebloom is apparently has the potential of doing. Some of the more brash critics question whether the little filly is even capable performing the deeds that Luna has given her credit for. They just cannot accept the concept that an earth pony can achieve what unicorns for centuries have struggled gain any mastery in.”

    “The other school is trying to rein in the Apple family by exploring the possibility of controlling from within. Several have noticed that neither of Applebloom’s older siblings are married or engaged. Therefore some are entertaining the idea of seeing if they could arrange a marriage between their houses and Apples.”

    Iron Forge growled. “If I get word of any of these flops trying to bring grief to the Apple family or trying pressure one of that little filly’s kin into marrying them I’ll fall on them like a ton of bricks! For everything the Apple family has done for Equestria they don’t deserve that kind of crap!”

    “Hear, hear!” Said Fancy Pants. “However for the time being let us focus on trying to get a better picture which individuals and houses are the greatest source of trouble. Then we can decide act on our own to counter them or bringing them to the attention of the Royal Sisters.”

    Firewing had remained mostly silent through the discussion, but now he spoke up. “Let us not underestimate the Apple family’s ability to take care of their own kin and the Royal Sisters ability to recognize shit for what it is. Celestia has played this game for centuries. Applejack had the courage to rip an eldritch horror out of little sister’s head with own teeth, and Applebloom resisted the tortures of that abomination better than many adults would have! The Apple’s have tough roots and any Canterlot house that tries to bend them to their will is going to get a very nasty surprise.”

    Fancy Pants sighed. “Your are probably right Captain but I still think we should keep a sharp eye and ear out for anymore news. In meantime we have dinner reservations at the Black Truffle in about an hour. Shall we be on our way?”

    There was a general murmur of agreement and then group wandered on their way.

To be continued.




So essentially a secret society of movers and shaker as well as an extra pair of ears for the crown huh? I guess it makes sense, a lot of words spoken would never escape somepony's lips if the Princesses were around, instead just use trusted members of society as moles to listen for them.


Also this foursome have certain altruistic interest in the well-being of the realm. The Apple family has become a perceived positive factor to the realm in their eyes.


I remember a Steve Allen-produced series on PBS called "Meeting of Minds" that had actors portray various historic figures discussing topics of ongoing interest. But I find I like this group. I can imagine similar gatherings on various social levels at numerous locations, both in Canterlot and elsewhere, sort of a "grass roots" drive to quietly support the Royal Pony Sisters and through them all of Equestria.


Yeah in many ways the Royal Sisters don't have to do official propaganda because the ponies do it for them.