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It was after midnight in my Equestria Dreamscape and the Royal Palace seemed strangely quiet after the noise and bustle of just a couple hours ago. The Royal Banquet was over and guests had all left. Now palace staff faced the daunting task of cleaning up wreckage from the party before they could retire themselves.

    Celestia had finished giving her final instructions to the majordomo and was heading for her private quarters for some much needed sleep. She’d need to be up earlier than usual tomorrow if she and Luna hoped to do what they’d been planning to do.

    Tonight she walked the silent hallways without her usual entourage of staff ponies in tow. As she turned down the hallway leading to hers and Luna’s quarters she noticed a silhouette standing on one of the balconies looking up at the moon. It was Luna. Her sister was silent and motionless but Celestia knew her sister’s body language well enough to know something was troubling her.

    “Care to share your thoughts with me?” Celestia slowly stepped out on to the balcony and stood alongside her sister. “Something appears to be weighing heavy on your mind? I’ve noticed it in your eyes several times tonight.”

    Luna remained silent for several seconds, her eyes still affixed upon the symbol of her title. “Celly, do you believe that most ponies think I am truly repentant for what I did when I was Nightmare Moon. Are you confident that they will eventually accept my penances as being sincere and true?”

    “Does this chain of thoughts have anything to do with that conversation in the ballroom earlier this evening?” Asked the Princess of the Sun.

   So she heard it to. Thought Luna. “Yes,” Said Luna. “But this is not the first time such rumors have arisen around me. Remember that after the Lord of Shadows made his appearance in my quarters the palace was abuzz with rumors for weeks after.” Luna shook her head. “Then there was whole affair last Nightmare Night in Ponyville. Only through the wits and quick thinking of Twilight Sparkle was a complete fiasco avoided! Now I’m worried that my attempts to help Applebloom are drawing her into this web of lies, slanders, and innuendos”

    Luna rested her head on the cool marble railing and closed her eyes. “Some ponies are saying that I’m either converting little Applebloom into some evil minion of mine, or I’m trying to obtain forbidden magic from her memories!”

    Luna raised her head off the railing slowly shook it. Her blue-black mane swayed in the moonlight. “I knew it would take time for many ponies to forget a thousand years of history and old mares tales, but I fear that if such rumors and slanderous accusations reach Applebloom’s ears they will be devastating to her.”

    Celestia leaned forward and nuzzled her sister. “I think you underestimate Applebloom, courage and conviction.” Whispered the Princess of the Sun. “And I believe you are belittling your own strength and determination. I will not lie to you, the path you both travel will be long and arduous, but you and Little Bloom are of stouter material than the adversities confronting you.” Celestia extended her right wing and slowly pulled her sister close to her side.

    Luna pressed close to her sister snuggled into Celestia’s mane. Celly was warm like a pleasant spring afternoon and her silken mane was filled with the scent of flowers, clean rainwater, sweet tilled earth. The indigo blue princess closed her eyes and listened to her sister’s heartbeat. It pulsed with a beat as strong as the fires of the sun. It was a heartbeat free of doubts, worries, or fears; it spoke with greater conviction than any words, oaths or promises. No matter what the world thought or said Celestia would stand by her and Applebloom, so long as they remained true their commitments and convictions.

    “Thank you Celly.” Whispered Luna. “Thank you for just being who you are.”

    Luna gently pushed away from Celestia and looked her in the eyes. Even in the darkness Celestia amethyst purple eyes sparkled with life and magic.

    “You should get to bed Celly.” Said her little sister. “I’ll be turning in soon myself. We’ve got a lot to do before the parade tomorrow.”

   Celestia nodded her head and slowly turned to go. As she stepped off the balcony Luna softly whispered.

    “Sweet dreams Celly.”

   “Same to you.” Said her sister.

To be continued.




A thought comes to mind. A warning. Something wicked this way comes. I have a bad feeling about tomorrow's festivities.