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Orchestra finished the folk piece that Iron Forge had requested in my Equestria dreamscape, and the ponies gathered in the ballroom were applauding Granny Smith and Iron Forge performance. They were obviously confused by what they had observed but etiquette required it be acknowledged. Besides most of the Canterlot elite knew it was unwise to incur Iron Forge’s wrath, if he wanted to dance a folk dance with some earth pony it was best to just let him do it. Besides the Royal Sisters seemed to have enjoyed the performance.

    However that did not mean that one could not speculate or discuss what had just happened. In quick order the various social circles in Canterlot began comparing notes and determining how this effected the peeking order for the evening.

    The Royal Sisters having finished greeting the guests were now relaxing on divans arranged for them near the orchestra. A small army of ministers, waiters, servant, courtiers, mares-in-waiting, and others waited on their every need and whim. Along with those who had official duties there was a herd of ponies that jockeyed for positions closest to the Royal Sisters. The closer one was to them the more your stature in your social circle could increase, especially if one could get the attention of the Princesses for a moment or two.

    Of course one had to be careful about what kind of attention one attracted.

    Luna was sipping a chilled glass of champagne; she’d been quite happy to discover that such delectable wine had been created in her absence and she partook of a glass of it whenever it was appropriate. Celestia and Luna were being subjected to the usual platitudes and compliments being espoused by the Canterlot elite toward them, however amongst the fluff the Princess of the Night was catching snippets other more insidious conversations.

    “ Really. So that old mare Iron Forge was dancing with is the grandmother of one Bearers of Elements of Harmony?” asked a male voice in the crowd.

    “Yes, amazing isn’t it!” Replied some snooty female somewhere in the audience. “Apparently her entire immediate family were invited from Ponyville to attend the ceremonies. In fact the blonde mare-in-waiting is the Bearer of Honesty and the little filly serving Princess Luna tonight is her little sister.”

   “Oh that would explains why they look so awkward.” Chimed in a new very insipid male voice. “ Really what would a couple farm ponies know about palace affairs. They’re just a couple of bumpkins!”

    Luna was suddenly not enjoying her champagne as much. Covertly she scanned the crowd for the source of this disrespectful gossip. If Celestia was hearing any of this she was keeping a mask of serene tranquility firmly affixed.

   “I disagree, we should be grateful that Bearers of the Elements are gracing us with their presence tonight. After all they defeated Nightmare Moon, and rescued our dear Princess Luna. And let us not forget it was due their actions that Discord was vanquished once again.” Stated a more refined male voice. Luna quickly recognized that voice as belonging to one Fancy Pants. “Nasty work that must have been! I for one am glad they were able to deal with it!”

   Luna smiled inside. Good!  She thought. Need to remind my secretary to get Fancy Pants a nice gift for Hearth’s Warming Eve.

  "Yes, yes, the Bearers have protected us all.” Said the insipid male voice. “But one does not let their guard dogs run amok their home. Unless one wishes for them to soil the carpets!”

   Unable to locate which pony had just said that disgraceful comment, Luna vowed to have Palace security determine who it was so she could tell her secretary to get that pony No gift for Hearth’s Warming Eve!

   “Well that’s not the worst thing I’ve heard about the Apple family.” Said a new nasally female voice. “You remember that nasty affair that happened out at the Apple’s farm last winter don’t you? Remember how the Royal Sisters had to come hurrying back home from the frontline. Remember all the troops and the frightful explosion that was visible here in Canterlot?”

   “Yes.” Said the first male voice. “But Royal Sisters explained that all a few weeks later. Some kind phantasmal being that had been tormenting the little filly, but that is old news.”

   “Ah! But that is only what they told the papers.” Replied the nasally female voice. “I have heard from very reliable sources that the problem is far from over! Princess Luna has apparently made numerous secret trips to Sweet Apple Acres since then to perform all kinds strange magic rituals on the little filly!”

   Luna had completely forgotten about her champagne and now was intently scanning the crowd for sources of this conversation. BY THE MOON!  She thought.  She was determined to find out who was the source of this slander! She soon determined it was coming from a particularly, pretentious unicorn mare that wrote the gossip column for the Canterlot Courier. Oh Luna was going to get that pony’s palace access privilege revoked come tomorrow morning!

   “Yes, but here’s the really sinister part.” Said the columnist. “Other sources I have say that Luna has taken this filly Applebloom under her wing to be her personal assistant and student, and that she’s schooling the little filly in all kinds of arcane, forbidden lore!”

   “How sure are you that Luna is one doing the teaching?” Luna now located the source of the insipid male voice. He was a foppish, unicorn artist of dubious quality, who for some reason was all the rage amongst the current Canterlot elite. “Maybe Luna is learning from the little filly, maybe the filly still remembers various dark rituals from when it was possessed by that evil being?”

   “I do say sir! I believe you need to open up the windows in your studio more often!” Exclaimed Fancy Pants. “It appears the paint fumes are having a most detrimental effect on your wits! What madness compels you to make such slanderous accusations?”

   Yes. Thought Luna. Fancy Pants gets a nice gift, perhaps two!

   “There may be some validity to his chain of reason.” Said the gossip reporter. “Once again I have a source that says when the Lord of Shadows was abducting ponies like little Applebloom last year there was an encounter that occurred in Luna’s private quarters when the Lord of Shadows attempted to sway Luna over to his side.”

   “Yes, yes!” Said Fancy Pants in a most frustrated voice. “And if you remember Luna would have no truck with that foul being and sent him packing on his way. Then she immediately informed her sister about it. Hardly what I would call the best material to build a conspiracy theory on!”

   “Well maybe that’s because Luna didn’t need to form an alliance. Maybe she has her own plans. Many a pony is still unconvinced that she’s truly free of the influence of Nightmare Moon. Maybe she’s waiting for the right moment to strike!” Said the artist pony.

   “Sun and Moon!” Exclaimed Fancy Pants. “May I remind you that such wild, and scandalous lies could get one brought on charges against the Crown! Our dear Princess Luna has suffered enough already and as a gentle stallion I cannot condone slinging such abuses at a little filly who has already been so tormented! I would advise to mind your tongue for the rest of this evening! Now excuse me I have other affairs to attend to!”

   Luna caught sight of Fancy Pants as he left the area, for just a moment their eyes met. Fancy Pants stopped and then slowly approached the Princess of the Night, then at prescribed distance he stopped and formally bowed. Slowly he rose. For several seconds neither said word. Finally Luna spoke.

    “Forgive me good sir if I was eavesdropping but I could not help but overhear some of your conversation recently. Thank you for your wise and heartfelt defense of myself and little Applebloom.”

   Fancy Pant levitated his monocle away from his face and gave it a quick wipe with a silk handkerchief from his coat pocket; he then returned both to their proper places.

   “It was nothing your highness. I simply used logic against fear and ignorance. I fear that many in this fine city allow their lives to be ruled by their emotions instead of their wits.”

   Luna nodded her head. “Still it tis a noble thing you’ve done sir. We are grateful for it. Enjoy the rest of your evening good sir.”

   The white unicorn stallion smiled at Luna. “And you should do the same your Highness.”

   With that he turned and walked away.

To be continued.




Like European Royalty it seems their gene pool is a bit too shallow. And completely lacking in common sense. ;)


Those who crave power and status are always ready to tear down those who have more.


Well if they have nothing better to offer it is often the only strategy that they can employ. Canterlot is full of lots of ponies who are not contributing much to the society or the economy, and have only gained importance by who they know and who they associate with. They are famous for being well known.